Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Religion the Social Construct

RagBlast2F You can't refute religion. It's a social construct, and not a proposition. You can however refute claims made by religion. me Good phrase, "social construct." Except that term represents how seligion is a a universal human behavior based on relating to a facet of the Universe, usually through prayer and meditation, at least, among other components. Atheist-type arrangements are usually subcultures of presumed materialists. They would be limited in their use of shamanic Transpersonal psychosomatic rituals, presumably. Modern psychotherapy has consistently generated Transpersonal orientations like post-Reichians like Perrakos´Core Energetics and the post-Rogerian Rosenberg´s NVC. Science for its part has emerged as a form of Christian modern Philosophy conducted at post-Monastic School Universities that led to the modern versions, and so is a Christian subcultural form of Empirical Philosophy and practice. Wherever Religion oversteps its bounds, it can be refuted. The same goes for Science. It is the Christian-derived modern forms of Philosophy that guide the logical reasoning, and its different epistemological forms, to make sense of it all, it should be pointed out.

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