Sunday, March 8, 2020

No Ideas About Emergent Properties?

Sally Morem 2 years ago In order for us to get anywhere reasonably close to the truth of how apparently non-physical minds can arise out of physical processes, our neuroscientists will have to do a lot more work on those levels of brain processes that lie between the physical process of neuronal firing and the psychological. We aren't anywhere close to even asking the right questions on this. But to assume because of our lack of knowledge that minds simply couldn't emerge out of physical processes by themselves is simply to make yet another God of the gaps argument. One that may be disproven in the future like so many others were in the past. *** Green Peacemst Green Peacemst 9 minutes ago (edited) We certainly can ask important questions, and make note of relevant phenomena. It is, however, fundamental to reclaim this discussion for knowledge and back from the materialistic clutches of Science by identifying Scientism´s monopolistic fallacies and Science´s actual identity as a form of Empirical Philosophy. The sociocultural foundations of modern Empirical Scientific Philosophy, moreover are not merely ancient Greek, but essentially modernizing University-based Christian, meaning clearly but complexly in Jesus´ legacy and his own place expanding from Hebrew prophetic culture. The Lord´s Prayer, for example, has psychosocially potentiated us for things like explicitly loving our neighbor as ourselves and seeking forgiveness and not the ambitions of the Roman imperial Senate. I´ll gladly present the extended philosophical implications that I´m working out from unreconciled scholarship, although Stan Jaki´s Cognitive Historical work, Fritjof Capra´s General Systems Theory work, and emergent properties are much of the substance.

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