Friday, April 22, 2022

Is Religion in the name of God the Problem? Heaven on the Inside, and then What?

Jer Go Religions. Many still hate and slaughter each other in the midst of all of that love of the God some choose to worship. The conquerors pushed aside those who worshipped Idols. Made them except the Montheistic Omnipresent God, and the conquerors has slaughtered more in the name of their God, than the people who worshipped Idols. It is History. Look around the world today. We have nowhere else to go. "Heaven is not a locality, Heaven is in the mind'. The more kindness in the mind, the more beautiful the Heaven.". Reply Share 20h Bar Ho Jer Go god and jesus are both idols Reply Share 15h Mark Rego Monteiro Jer Go Your manner of discussing the subject identifies Idol worship, then scapegoats "God", or "religion in the name of God," and fails to discern the elements that Christianity´s own high integrity spiritual legacy has developed. Conquerors "in the name of God" are engaging in their own kind of idolatry, albeit at a new scale of power. Thus, spiritual-religious "fruits" were, and have been hijacked by non-spiritual human beings in their activities as merchants, soldiers, and politicians. Scapegoating perpetuates the problem, and your foray into the solution misses the causal factor, personal effort in spiritual practice for personal growth. The irony of Christianity is that its spiritual practitioners developed monastic schools into modern Universities with modern empiricism and philosophical scholarship. In the process of developing knowledge, the useful tool of mechanicism and naturalism wasn´t done with spiritual insight, but for the indulgence in power, privielge, and pleasure. Descartes was a French Catholic in Protestant Holland, hounded out of a University and criticized by the Catholic Pascal for mechanicizing and desacralizing his thought. Hugo Grotius, also in Holland, is credited with formulating desacralized natural law, although Grotius wrote about Jesus the Christ, and attempted to identify acceptable essentials for sustaining religious minimal societal standards in society in a belief in God and God´s Providence. In fact, that was a step towards Religious Tolerance. John Locke did something similar. It is thus that we note two things. That in the universality of human violence and enslavement, with the likes of Genghis Khan´s body counts est. up to 60 mn, the Chinese Hongwe Emperor in the millions, and other Chinese genocides, India´s own King Ashoka who became Buddhist because of his own shock at battle violence, Africans with African slaves like Olaudah Equiano recounts, and Jesuit Manuel da Nobrega´s account of his Jesuit colleague cannibalized by the indigenous people, and the famous US Native Am Sacagawea a Native captive sold to a Frenchman. Thus, European humans indulging in their roles as merchants, soldiers and politicians were acting in accordance with the law of the jungle, that Might makes Right, among peoples. The very implication of injustice reflects the core of people´s own natural self-love, and its spectacular divine codification in the Hebrew-Jewish Abraham-Mosaic prophetic context of Jesus Christ, and largely underemphasized, his teachings about spiritual practice that accompany your point about the Kingdom of Heaven being on the inside, as in "clean the cup on the inside" Matt 23. Thus, the immense power unleashed by Christian monk scholars is in fact one demonstration of Jesus´ very importance. The powerful aggressive use by nominal Christian merchants etc showed how far power can take a bunch of humans with access to it. It´s regrettable to those who are drawing on either self-love, or the understanding of spiritual principles as Jesus taught them from God. Buddhism, by the same token, in Japan was subordinated to Japanese appropriation of Western University education, especially sci-tech power. Through secular materialism, that Christian spiritual cultural development had been detached from direct Christian spiritual integrity. Their human indulgence reigned, using standard religious forms. A similar thing happened closer to home with Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. Christianity, unlike Genghis Khan´s shamanism or Buddhism´s approach, etc, meanwhile, possesses an exceptional self-correcting core in the combined elements of Jesus´ life, mission, teachings, suffering, Resurrection, and loving Commandments for God. However, even today, businesspeople profiteers have funded Fundamentalism to defend their profiteering culture with a pro-rich, anti-social theology. The solution isn´t an end to religion, which serves the profiteers´ own diversionary tactics. The issue is to clarify Jesus´ truth, with its unprecedented loving power of love, and the need for individuals to engage in spiritual practice, personal effort in spiritual practice for personal growth. Globalized University-based, US Civil Rights and UN Human Rights in Jesus´ legacy have established a structured pluralism with reference to Jesus´ standard of loving integrity. The Buddha´s brilliance thus can be elevated in its psycho-spiritual logical coherence, and more dubious extreme doctrines of it, like the "non-existence of the self" can be refuted by individuals in the Freedom of Religion. Barack Obama represents one angle of high integrity in his progressive liberal doctrine. Albert Schweitzer represented another, dedicating himself to an African medical project. Religious services worker Frans van der Hoff et al´s Fair Trade certification drawing on the co-operative business model is another. Fannie Lou Hamer and her Farm Co-op was, no less.

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