A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Fair Trade Organics: The Bible and World Government, Jesus, Gandhi, V Shiva, the UN and NGO
In a new type of world government, the real solution lies. Yet flawed, greedy men can't run such a government for the world agonizes for an unselfish and just sovereign. Did you know that the Bible reveals that such a world government has been designed by God for humanity?
"The Bible" comes to us because of Jesus, and we converse halfway between anonymity and intimacy because of his multi-layered and vitiated, but fusion-integrity-powered legacy in the globalized, hi-tech, University-based and profiteering-controlled economy, along with the Christian-inspired and highly responsibility oriented UN community of nations. Jesus taught, "Clean the cup within where there is wickedness" Matt 23:25, which St. Anthony of the Desert modeled this spiritual growth training well enough more extensively over thirty plus years than Jesus´ forty day "graduation" in the desert. Followers of God through Jesus have been buried in vain doctrines and dead faith. Flawed, greedy men aren´t actually the´problem. It is the need to reclaim modern culture through spiritual modernization for God´s love through the Freedom of Religion and learning what Jesus really taught, meant, and wanted. The Good Samaritans today include Hindu Yoga instructors, Buddhist practitioners, and Therapeutic Psychologists, for starters. That´s how we can stop and drain the flawed, greedy men as Jesus instructed us to do in part. "The will of my Father in Heaven" also means doing "greater things than these (that Jesus did)" John 14:12, and that means being able to learn. That is the power of "Love thy neighbor as thyself" as Gandhi showed, as Vandana Shiva shows, among many others. That includes doing good by breaking unfair rules as Jesus taught in Matt 12:1 by gathering grain on the Sabbath. However, faith without works is dead (James), that is why I have joined food co-ops, supported Greenpeace- and Oxfam Fair trade-type NGOs in my time, and buy organics and local as possible.
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