Thursday, December 19, 2019

America the Corporate and Resurgent Christian Integrity

..the US became a corporation in 1871 after bankruptcy from the civil order to borrow off the Crown Banks the US became the United States Of America INC....since then the US has become a franchise of the Crown Banks....each state is a franchise of the United States of America Inc...each state is a corporation, you fire department is a corporation...everything is a corporation including you...and your have British Legal systems in the states called the Bar...British Accredited Registry...which is a Crown Banking system bill collector....and as for Henry the VIII, hes not the Crown Templar Banking system....the US constitution...believe it or not was approved by the pope in order for the US to do trade Americans don't seem to know your history to well
*** Many people don´t know their history that well, and by referriing to the Pope and confusing his role, you demonstrate why Psychology and Sociology are important, among other disciplines. If the Pope represented Catholic countries overall, that is more a comment on Catholicism than the US Constiitution. The Corporate business model was significantly developed by Great Britain, but the World Wars and the rise of the American economy and into corporate imperialism and militarism certainly limit the significance of your assertions. The rise of the petrochemical industry, right wing think tanks, Reagan and the profiteering neoliberal GOP, and the Military-Industrial Complex emerged from and are the source of public interest advocates like Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Moore and groups like Greenpeace and Oxfam, along with socal business models like cooperatives. ***
The Corporate business model comes from Rome, an upscale version of Babylon....thus Roman Maxims in this day....these Maxims come directly form the bible....why in the story of the birth of Christ that Joseph had to go to his home town to register where he was that story tells you alot more than just a birth or Berth.....heres a picture of the Vatican....and when you look at the painting around the obelisk you will see the outline of the British Flag.... ***
Me: Mark Rego Monteiro Brian De Paolo Your comments blur significant distinctions, so that where you mentioned "the Pope", you now mention "Rome" while apparently referring to classical pagan imperial culture. There is the Justinian code as well, from Christianized imperial Rome. That is perhaps not an uncommon leap, but commits a basic and crucial oversimplification and anachronistic fallacy in the process, a secular extremist fallacy no less, just like the assertion that "democracy comes from Greece." You also miss the influences of Luther´s Reformation, and as someone else here already noted,Henry VIII and the broader English movement and its combination of University developments and otherwise. As represented by the importance of Christian monasticism from St. Anthony of the Desert to Thomas of Aquiinas, Francis of Assisi just before Aquinas, and Alcuin of York in Charlemagne´s court at Aachen, modern Universities reflect the community power of Christian devotion in resurgent high integrity based on Christ´s core teachings. Petrarch, a landmark humanist, valued Augustine´s introspective Christian spiritual musings, no less. The community capacity made possible by Christian culture was heavily transformed by authoritarian religious institutions, with a wedge inserted significantly by Luther. The University of Paris was itself incorporated in 1150, just after Bologna, and followed shortly by Oxford and Cambridge. Dutch and British takings after the Spanish Armada then demonstrated their distinct ability to multiply and leverage advantages through their Protestant Christian and freer individualized cultures. The indulgence by businesspeople is less specifiically the direct descent from classcal Greece and Rome, but the human biopsychological tendency to INDULGE and ABUSE POWER. It is then the Christian core values capacity for community that then responded in the UK (Locke) and Dutch/French (Grotius) appearance of Religious Tolerance. George Fox who founded the Quaker Friends was an indirect resurgence of high integrity Christanity outside the Universties that lead to Slavery Abolitionism and subsequent Social Movements. All this shows Christian individuals rising in unprecedented ways in their community capaciities. Ancient Greek philosophers never came close, and were relegated to ghosts on paper and filtered into monasteries and Islamic library channels. Human beings greedily formulated profteering corporatiions iin complex scientific, rationalizing, and secularizing University-based society. Social Movements best reveal why Gandhi credited Jesus, and studied some Christian dissidents like Thoreau, Ruskin, and Tolstoy as he lead a Non-Violent Spiritual interfaith Muslim- Hindu-centric Independence Movement that lead to the civilized British withdrawal despite Churchill once calling Gandhi a "Hindu Mussolini." Oh, my. Gandhi, by the way, inspired MLK in the US. The Gracchi and Caesar are very much history, and it is in Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology, and Bio Anthro that you can learn to understand the subtler details. Try Huston Smith´s The World´s Religions and study the importance of Social Justice in Jewish prophetic history and Sociology, etc.

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