With reference to youtube´s "The Lindsay Sheperd Affair" by Jordan Peterson
"Should" is a word that can be used in the high integrity Christian AND scholarly sense to disabuse abusive notions. Informed social views would blot out bigotry like yours, for one, eliminating the very antagonistic version you pose. That is, your bigoted stance should never exist.
AI: 1."Should" is a word that can be used in the high integrity Christian AND scholarly sense to disabuse abusive notions."<< A reasonable intro.
3. " Informed social views would blot out bigotry like yours, for one, eliminating the very antagonistic version you pose. "<< Then immediately contradicting the entire canon of your original appeal to authorities, both of faith and secularism in the context of biological gender reality, by asserting another appeal to authority in that of "Informed social views" in some failed attempt at defending the usurpation of biological gender reality by "informed social views", amounting to the systemic political correctness of androgyny and the subsequent inevitable depravities that follow, which is a hallmark of the end of the civilization and/or culture in question.
1. It´s rather amusing to have to use “responsible scholarly form” to cite your superficial and formulaic stuff. So, look, “biological gender reality” is already reductionistic. So, please do yourself a favor and look up that term. BGR is merely an elementary component in the complexity of the psychosocial and cultural processes that operate on a theoretical spectrum including, say, Scots wearing traditional kilts and Ivy League theater actors performing in drag. That´s oversimplified, but dealt with more depth in a moment.
2. As for your phrase “ systemic political correctness of androgyny,” the issue is pluralism and Civil Rights, while label seeks to hide your bigotry and denialism, to say the least. I have actually employed my educational and professional experiential competence to research psychological journals. See pop source link at end. I confirmed what I already heard as an undergrad years ago, psychosocial gender identity formation involves a broad spectrum template. Particularly relevant is abusive behavior in the formative environment. That´s why I not only address the masquerading hate of victimizers like your lot, but refer to both Civil Rights and Abuse Victim Rights. I don´t support general neologic terms of address, just simple inclusive ones especially “their.” “Androgynous” is one possible description, and your discomfort and hostility around it demonstrate your own need for anger management, sensitivity, and other appropriate forms of training. As for your redundant and here edited reference to “subsequent inevitable depravity,” you certainly cite no authority.
Transgender identities don´t nullify sex-crime laws, exposing a basic fallacy of your kind. In fact, “pedophilia” is a crime as is statutory rape and child sex abuse, yet the US itself is crude in many of its “child bride laws that defend perpetrators. That´s a diifferent target, however that you all are missing. As faith goes, traditional Christian doctrines are faced with their antiquated and reactionary crudeness and still basic deviation from Jesus´ teaching of “Do not judge” and “protect the least of these.” Vast economic abuse linked to diverse forms of victimization is inherent in US-led corporate profiteering, which JP and you all don´t question. As civilization and culture go, you better ask why the Religious Right cuddles with corporate profiteer idolators, berates and judges “the least of these,” and só on. You should check with the Evangelical Environmental Network for a little more integrity and redemption. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/between-us/201812/sex-gender-roles-identities-and-orientations
3. “Your bigoted stance” I cite my own term to highlight your own overwrought, distorted, and unself-conscious response. You parrot prejudicial labels, regurgitate them hollowly, and commit basic logical fallacies. My strengths sustain themselves. Yours are simply as derivative and undiscerning as they are poorly informed and monomaniacal. Jesus is the Savior, and truly unmistakable in the truth of his teachings. Free yourself from your hateful teachers and doctrines and learn why Jesus taught “God wants mercy not sacrifice” and “Do not judge.
SO "i'm a historian of medicine" that just means he reads what others have written about medicine and then writes about what he has read, he is not a scientist or a doctor. He is a humanities instructor.
Me: Uh oh. And guess what the uncertainties and complexities of any "science," and medical practice (trying to use "science") mean, in particular dealing with humans, not robots or machines as your kind has been misled to prejudically presume? Laws regarding medical malpractice, preventable deaths (enormous numbers), and that little detail of medical ethics. And patient care? Seems they should give you Harlow´s wire-mommy gerbil water bottle for baby monkeys. No huuuumanities-ewww, "woo," and that´s all you´re down to, little coddled cogs. Mmm, just savor the metal straw tube, glub-glub, and start the autistic rocking and anti-social deprived screeching. Wait, you already have, collectively in an abuse of airbrushed, muscle-bound, quick-fix, flying monkey (how about that, Primates?), arrogant pro-profiteering logic. Oh, yeah, and there´s always that Jesus-theism thing that JP assumes in the cold apostate pose. It should go without saying that your kind are followers of Judas, not Jesus, and repentance and redemption beckon you like Dicken´s ghosts of Scrooge.
TM: "You teach TRANS Studies." A sentence that should never exist.
Me: "Should" is a word that can be used in the high integrity Christian AND scholarly sense to disabuse abusive notions. Informed social views would blot out bigotry like yours, for one, eliminating the very antagonistic version you pose. That is, your bigoted stance should never exist.
CW: "Informed social views"
Informed by who? Have you checked the bias of your assertions before laying "bigotry" at the feet of your opponents?
Me: Uh, yeah. I go to the UN UDHR. Do you kiss your US flag at night?
That explains a lot, except my question... unless you meant to answer "Informed by the UN/UN Human Rights division" which as far as I'm concerned, are a joke.
How is the UN doing with the pedophile/child predator problem in the division of Human Rights? Not so great last I checked. Ironic you would then claim I own and kiss a US flag at night- I never made a claims to my nationality, nor where my opinions were formed. Should I expect more erroneous presumptions from this conversation?
Me: You should stop projecting your "erroneous presumptions" is what you should do. As to what the UN UDHR "explains," that´s actually your inverted projection of the issue, cravenly disguised in your cynical and egotistically distorted personalizing and reductionism of the issue. You falsely equate the institution and principle to the resistant and antagonistic response by what? Whom? The "respectable? Uh, the crass and victimizing, more like it, as human agents committing a vast scale of abuses who need to learn to choose appropriately. Apparently that´s not working out for your kind and your, well, anti-humanitarian and anti-Jesus chosen values, to be polite for the moment. Your "expectations" "as far as you´re concerned" are notably left murkily implicit as you twist and turn in your attempt to pretend you´re invisibly nested in your mightily
airbrushed "Muscle-for-Brains" profiteering role models. Your preferred identification with anti-Human Rights, i.e. anti-democratic, anti-social, and otherwise control- and dominate inclinations, "creep like magma," so to speak. And no less are you snared by your own shifty snideness, "non-American." Whether you´re just British, or some other nationality designation, words are fishing nets in the utility belt of God´s love and informed intellect, not dry sticks snapping in your kind of flying monkey viscous oil slick, as it were. The UN is an institution, there, Slick, that has first of all taken FD and Eleanor Roosevelts´ modern high integrity Christian visions and metaphorically planted a huge flag and beacon that is/are the UN principles. Just like wayward hypocrite and apostate Christians, or their reactionary secularized fellow wayward herd, it is the US-led profiteering ideology that is your god. Pedophiles? Try child sexual abuse in general, there, Slick-o the puppet. Personally, I also advocate Abuse Victims Rights and Anti-Offender Denial analysis to deal with your kinds´ perpetrating "False Memory" toxic denialism. Your kind who try to kill human rights and suck up to socioconomic injustice try to blame the UN for what your kind drives by pushing anti-social profiteering? The Catholics have further institutional problems due to their archaic qualities, but then, it is your ever-lovin´ profiteers who are still waving the prevailing post-colonial "magic wand," isn´t it? Now, you insert all the flags you need on top of the US flag that leads whichever one you kiss in idolatry. For fun, there is almost no chance that it is Danish or Social Europe with your fluency. That´s how to have fun with intellectual firepower for Jesus and his high integrity legacy, in the face of your stale pretzel expectations. You slip right passed that class. Unsustainabilty, however, is creeping up your creepy, oily rear end, because oil isn´t just slippery, it´s gooey and toxic, too...."Clean the cup within" Slick-o, as per Jesus and Freud and Jung no less. That´s when intellect shakes off its shackles. And you are in heavy ones. Clank, clank, clan......