A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
R K Says, Humanity Barely Has Consciousness, So God Can´t Have Human Proportions
R K@
Mark Rego Monteiro The imposition of the "identity" and "intentionality" construct of humanity, a creature just barely beginning the development of consciousness, onto the origin of the Universe, and of Being itself, is understandable - to be expected. But a moment's reflection reveals that all the thousands of religious myths of humanity are creations of humanity, projections onto the great mystery of Being by an immature, impulsive, highly self-centered, egotistic, insecure creature trying desperately to reduce the unfathomable mystery of existence to something of human proportions - viola - humanity's gods. Someone we can talk to, Someone who cares, our dreamed of perfect Mommy or Daddy. Our only real path to spiritual growth is through inward searching and understanding, since our 'self' is the only aspect of existence we experience From Within, our only actual link to the Essence of Being. Concocted dogmas and rapacious, pretentious rigmaroles passed down from on high by centuries of popes are not the way to wisdom or spiritual expansion - but rather a dead end, as should be blatantly obvious to anyone bothering to take even cursory advantage of recorded history.
R Ki
PS - 'Transcendent Immaterial Mind' is a fantasy construct. It is clear that, through the evolution of life, consciousness emerged through the mounting complexity of neurological development. If perfect mind, perfect consciousness per-existed, before the developmemnt of our material selves, why go through the martial process at all ? Why the redundancy ??? Why bother with matter??? I shbmit to you that Matter IS Spirit. Equally sacred, and holy and transcendent as any sensation, instinct, intuition, feeling, emotion, thought or aspiration we experience as within Body, through Body, as Body. The degradation of physical existence is the great conceit, the wanton arrogance, the essential sin of the judo-christian tradition, the millennia old spell of which is beginning to crack and will surely shatter to shards of sand under the solid stones of the path to truth.
Your characterization defining "religious myths (as merely) creations of humanity" is psychological reductionism, apparently derived from Freud, and not adequately empirically and philosophically informed reasoning, not least of all in anthropological terms. Describing "humanity" as "immature, impulsive, highly self-centered, egotistic, and insecure creature trying desperately to reduce the unfathomable mystery of existence ... to human proportions" is simply its own form of skewed projection approaching 'Original Sin' and not a balanced assessment itself. Modern society has its own toxic condition in which that negative aspect of humanity, its bio-psychosocial tendency, has been able to assume crisis level of control by ignoring spiritual-religious practice, indulging in the abuse of socioeconomic power through the likes of psychological ignorance, greed, and hatred. That balance in tribal cultures sustaining spiritual-religious practices is more recognizable. Behavioral anthropologist ED Chapple, no less, drew on Pavlov´s dog´s conditioned bell as symbol learning and JB Watson´s behavioral psychology to give field studies a behavioral anthropological framework. He identified the basis as individual and group emotional-interactional patterns, and later called them rhythms. The focus on spiritual-religious practice goes a little further and reflects primal spiritual-religious experience in human tribal experience, and schizophrenia itself has been identified cross-culturally in Jos. Campbell´s citing J Silverman MD a while back, and J Polimeni MD more recently made a formal evolutionary study and hypothesis. In general field studies, Anthropologist Richard Katz wrote Boiling Energy about his studies of the Kalahari Kung San healing rituals. Observing student shamans in training in the tribes, Katz notes in idiomatic terms what we might begin to translate in psycho-emotional terms: "As the students begin to dance through the night, their 'num' may begin to 'boil' and 'kia' (spiritual healing state of consciousness) becomes imminent."
Not unlike Freud´s own original observations as he sat as a neurologist with patients with pain and no appearance of organic wounds or conditions. He had to listen to patients words in his book Studies of Hysteria, all before his empirically refuted shift to an ideological metaphor in the Oedipus Conflict that blamed children based on Freud´s own desire to deflect social issues of what he first called "seduction" of children. Your Freudian source was already compromised in that crucial way. Freud´s early work, however, shows how he simply sat, relaxed the patient, asked them to visualize and associate around their pain, and he took notes and encouraged their sharing. He noted their healing and used his notes to develop his basic ideas. He developed his "id" from when they said "It hurts," and the "ego" from when they said, "I feel better, thanks." And so on.
And so, as Jung demonstrated with his more mainstream spiritual-religious family and cultural background, he even caused Freud to faint on two occasions. It is shamanistic and in more modern terms, spiritual-religious practice, experience, phenomena, and knowledge long before Jesus and in other cultures, as far as archeology, or paleo-archeology can reach maybe 70,000 years in the Paleolithic in Africa with a snake image, or 40,000 years ago in a European cave with the Loewenmensch Lion man figurine that we see abstract representations suggestive of shamanic activity. And its psychosocial and emotional benefits understood with the power of Jesus´ legacy in modern philosophical empirical scholarship.
You refer to the issue of "someone we can talk to, someone who cares" and then begin to ridicule it by infantilized terms of "mommy or daddy." That´s an example of how you sabotage your own conduct and reasoning. The legitimate quality of reference of the first part was demonstrated by Freud´s early work, and to the degree he continued with those elements. It was advanced by his diverging students as far as they remained in the integrity of those behavioral qualities. I´m happy to reflect that my dad oriented me to the value of education and psychology early on as an atheist humanist. He even had a realization at one point when I was in high school and before he got his fatal cancer complex, to hug me one time and say, "I love you." Around that same time, no less, I picked up a book by a religious scholar Huston Smith with a very scholarly approach about the value of religion and interest in the structure of them. I liked the Chinese Tao, myself, and Smith´s description as "a creative continuum that is always accessible." I also like Unitarian Universalist interfaith´s interest and support of spiritual paths in a pamphlet. Hardly reducible to your infantilizing distortion, it refutes any relate assertion, and exposes your own psychological projection. Whether my empirical personal experience, or the empirical references I give. Smith himself identified as an interfaith Christian I learned, and in his scholarship simply conveyed references to God with respect. Unitarian Universalism refers to the "direct experience with the Source of mystery" in its principles, for another. Your assertion that the "inward searching and understanding" is important, our inner "self the only aspect of existence we experience within", is itself a fixated view. You don´t acknowledge the sources of your own views, that I am able to begin categorizing and classifying appropriately based on my respect for my education, and the source in University-based philosophical scholarship. Where do you think any of your attempts at logical reasoning come from? You give no indication of being aware. Prominent materialists have tried to paint atheist humanists as the source of "science", when in fact they were Christian humanists who since Descartes´ "mind-body split" and mechanicization and naturalism of terms, have obscured the Christian contexts and assumptions that led them not to reject "Love thy neighbor as thyself", as in "Hate thy neighbor, and love thyself." That tendency is reflected in certain popular authors, with Dawkins having authored The Selfish Gene in his day, and scholars in certain disciplines like economics approaching similar viewpoints and actual conflicts in their contexts.
Biology itself involves recognizing more complex dynamics like inclusive fitness in which relatives value each other´s survival as important as their own, and reciprocal altruism. Those don´t refute spiritual-religious practice, experience, phenomena, and knowledge, but help understand how potential ranges of inclinations exist in human beings. We do, however, see, historical tendencies of tribal conflict, and universal human violence and enslavement, which corresponds to the historical significance of the rise of agricultural settlements, and the survival of the relatively politically weak culture of the Hebrew-Jewish people and the appearance of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ´s appearance is clarified with adequate treatment of how the Greeks splintered and failed to generate any unifying culture based on its most advanced philosophers, as Alexander the Great emerged from Aristotle´s lessons through assassination and execution of rivals, conquest through massacre, and died young himself by assassination, leading to a four-way Civil War. Followed by the Roman Empire´s brutal demonstration of conquest at Corinth, later Athens, and decline with Julius Caesar´s dictatorship, assassination, relatives´ revenge, and deification.
Thus, all this psychosocial information can be studied by empirical philosophical scholarship in Jesus´ legacy of University-based study. It´s hardly negligible in relation to inner spiritual and psychological work. That refutes your subjective extremist claim. The rejection of external spiritual-religious phenomena was made formally by David Hume, and is simply fallacious. Craig Keener has noted how Pascal´s niece at that time had been a well-known sufferer of an open wound, and was cured by touching a relic. The confusion of false relics with genuine spiritual-religious faith is a form of psychological projection fallacy. If the truth of Jesus´ empirical origins were experienced by Pascal´´ s niece through a false relic making God through Jesus´ truth vivid, it is a healing that corresponds not to merely a psychosomatic healing, but a psychosocial, cultural one based on spiritual-religious components with transpersonal and transcendental implications.
Your equating past information as "concocted and pretentious" confuses the complex psychosocial and cultural phenomena studied in University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism with no acknowledgment at all of important standards. Instead, you are merely pushing your own psychological projection, and attempting to push that as "knowledge." Shaking pasteurized organic grape juice as disproving the existence of primitive manure-fertilized grapes needing sunlight is reductionist materialism, here your kind of spiritualized secular form. Certainly more advanced than Dawkins et al´s kind of non-spiritual kind.
Your response to the issue of a transcendental immaterial mind is similar in your attempt to push your own preferential assumptions onto the rigorous and empirical based reasoning that I believe I actually began to present. Empirical philosophy is studying the reality of a lawful creation, thanks to Thomas Aquinas´ work and Descartes´ et al´s follow up, and that includes the insights into minds already beginning with Bishop Berkeley that reignited interest in his work. More formally, work on emotions and preliminary aspects of psychology all bore fruit with Freud-Jung et al´s work. Your preferences for trying to ignore the meaning of the Cause of the Universe, and empirical psychosocially informed conceptual analysis requires you applying yourself to address your own disregard for philosophical scholarship and the University-based scholarly community. Again, as someone has argued elsewhere, supermarkets don´t make farms unnecessary. Pasteurized grape juice doesn´t make dirt, organic grapes, and the sun non-existent. You, however, need to study the work and learning the meaning of philosophical truth: logical coherence and correspondence to reality. Jesus Christ is part of what needs to be explained. You may not be ready to take that on at this time, and have the right to say, "I´m not interested." However, if you take it up, you are held to the standards of the University-based philosophical scholarship that´s involved in empirical logical philosophical positions trying to assert knowledge and truth.
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