A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Viktor Frankl on Self-Projection Empathy
Mark Rego Monteiro
Well, Frankl´s thought is a good start to stopping a judgment. Still, that´s not really a full adequate assessment with spiritual integrity in mind, and Jesus´ living legacy of loving, just, and authentic integrity.
Gandhi didn´t look at Jesus and the British Empire and say, "Hey, I´d murder people in maintaining my control just like that". He actually got spiritual and learned apparently even fairly superficially that I´ve seen, from the Judeo-Christian prophetic social justice tradition that Huston Smith pointed out. Thoreau, Ruskin, and Tolstoy were all more modern than George Fox and the Quaker-Friends, and the whole chronology since at least the prophet Elijah in the OT.
Even more so, Frankl was a trained therapeutic psychologist, part of the University-based philosophical scholarly community, in which we can understand many alternatives with healthier boundaries the more extensive our insight and research. Best practices led me not just to Gandhi, but people like Milton Erickson MD, Buddha, and so much more with so many internal and creative expression skill sets.
Aa Fa-FB
Mark Rego Monteiro sounds like your in an eastern is the best. Phase. I see that their is mind and heart to be mastered for sure. Known and known to dance with. But why compare good teachers. Most humans have something amazing to teach. Religion is stupid. We all want to be special. It's our greatest destiny. We are amazing creatures. We can understand that we must be a unique contributor. This + Harmony = Love for yourself and others.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Aa Fa It sounds like your in a "de-emphasize the East" phase, if anything.
You simply failed to pay attention to the content of my comment. In fact, you would have had to ignore all that I said, and only reacted to Gandhi´s name, and perhaps the Buddha´s, if you got that far.
Thus, I´ve pretty much always operated without ignoring my own University-based educational values, and here, that means no less pointing out that you are confusing partial content mentioned in a text with total meaning of a passage of text. That´s basic reading comprehension, to recall the fun of school categories in adult philosophical communication.
You then enter into your appreciation of all individuals, which reminds me of Sheldon Kopp´s book titled "Even a Stone Can Be a Teacher." The Beastie Boys Jewish rappers had a Buddhist themed song in which they "thank they enemies despite their intent" because of learning processes. Kopp also appreciated Zen Buddhism, having other titles like "If YOu Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!"
Saying all that helps also create the context, with the Buddhist associations showing why Eastern religion actually is important for Westerners to study.
As I mentioned, my balance was always strongly grounded in my Western educational values. My personal growth efforts included the 12 step groups for relationships CoDA and Al-Anon, also since very early on. Yet, Eastern religions, Buddhism especially and Gandhi´s activist ex-lawyer interfaith Christian Hindu example, reflect a break from Western psychological and cultural pretenses that have accompanied the real strengths of the process of globalization. Transforming the hubris is much more colorful with Eastern spiritual imagination.
Yet, valuing the individual is part of Jesus´ legacy of loving integrity in the message of his loving Commandments for Moses and God, with no 2, "love thy neighbor as thyself." Buddha´s very biography was getting buried in time and cultural distance, but Western archeology and historical study in University-based culture in Jesus´ legacy has enriched it.
We face a challenge, in fact. Jesus´ legacy has not been used only for good. The business profiteers led by the Anglo- US corporate model have been put under the umbrella of FD Roosevelt´s vision and legacy of UN human rights and sustainability in structured pluralism. Yet, those profiteering businesspeople have mounted the most intense indoctrination and propagandistic ideology campaign of all time, having mixed it with Cold War militaristic anti-communist propaganda.
And so, the resources behind their rather evil materialistic fixations are the ones they have drawn from, University-based understanding, all in Jesus´ legacy. The profiteers have responded to FD Roosevelt´s pro-social US legacy by scheming, starting with a pro-rich minister Rev Fifield in the Oral Roberts mold.
The Social Gospel started by W Gladden and W Rauschenbusch, including Jane Addams, that influenced FDR and Eleanor has been vilified, no less. It is thus Gandhi´s own image of interfaith Christian Hinduism until his own dressing in the simplest of clothing, represents the very most common person and even below in status, the beggar and street person.
American fantasies of life are overall at 5x the sustainability levels calculated by scientists. Yet, that is itself a number weighted with inequality, both in the US, and in international comparison. All told, Bangladesh was where a US-educated Mohammed Yunus started the pro-poor, pro-woman Grameen Bank that overcame psychological socio-religious obstacles there to blanket the country by some point, influence others, and spread until it arrived no less than in the US in 2008. It has spread to 19 branches so far already there, here.
And so, that´s why I value my longstanding Unitarian Universalist religious association interests. They were two Christian denominations that decided to keep Jesus´ no 2 Commandment, but leave "God" as "the Source" primarily, and Jesus without any special role or mention.
That is where your final phrase comes from, and finding ways to expand references to not mistake the meaning and origin itself a goal. The 1970s short-lived rock band "Nazareth" is an example.
Myself, my engagement with Christianity was always implicitly embedded in the "invisible" legacy of Jesus in secular University-based, constitutional US society. Yet, I only began directly with a denomination that began with a woman who found a powerful way to appreciate the healing power of God through Jesus, and God´s providence. There´s more, but the history of Christianity is rich with accounts of the new society that Christians created, with many people showing spiritual-religious practice and integrity. From Anthony of the Desert, the Father of Christian monks to Hildegaard of Bingen to George Fox, Marg Fell, and the rest of the Quaker-Friends and many more, people can appreciate their own value normally in a context. By understanding economic needs, the value of the pioneering social movement against slavery, labor organizing, and the workingpeople inspired by Robert Owen to found the first modern co-op, co-owned store in the UK in the 1840s.
The modern world has had some intimidating messages circulating against people who don´t agree with the US Military Industrial Complex and US Big Biz profiteeering. It is important to understand the various levels involved that people have been indoctrinated by so far on the whole. Eastern Religion is a powerful resource to understand Jesus not as an imperial figure used by a pro-rich "gospel," but nothing less than the Savior in the Judeo-Christian tradition of prophetic social justice.
Ralph Nader was a recent figure worthy of credit for starting to expose corporate business executive profiteers, and empower citizens. Rev MLK was an Afro-Am religious figure, and Fannie Lou Hamer with little education went so far as to start a Farm Co-op in 1969. Yet, it is Gandhi who said, "Be the change you want to see in the world" and "No matter how small the good you do, it is vital that you do it." People like George Fox and Lucretia Mott had come before Gandhi as Quaker Christians, and all deserve remembering and treasuring with sacred honor in Jesus´ legacy for Moses and God. Yet, there was also the 1893 Chicago Parliament of World Religions that marked a new level of public awareness of University-based learning and society, on a path to FDR´s UN human rights vision and legacy and modern Comparative Religious scholars like Huston Smith, Robert Bellah, and Ninian Smart.
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