A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Human Beings Need Spiritual-Religious Orientation. Sci Rationalism is an Attempted Subtitute, and Not Sufficient
Utkarsh Srivastav
Mark Rego Monteiro
"So, if you can´t even distinguish Creationist literalists enough to recognize archeological legitimacy, that´s my focus."
Except I am recognising archaeological legitimacy. What I am rejecting is supernatural embellishments.
Your focus is a smokescreen for sneaking in the supernatural.
"The "supernatural embellishments" then raises other issues, which you lump without acknowledging the power and importance of spiritual-religious experiences, which is often easier to begin grasping from anthropological insights."
Again, I am doing no such thing.
I never said a word about this topic.
We can definitely say that there is a psychological impact of such beliefs and practices.
We can discuss the psychological perspective of such beliefs and w can also discuss the anthropological perspective. None of them however leads us to the conclusion that the supernatural is real.
"Your view is focused on the scientific, and neglects the archeological, as I pointed out, not to men tion the transpersonal-spiritual. "
As if archaeological isn't scientific lol.
I never denied the fact that there have been floods in human history. You seem unable to stick to a point.
There is archaeological evidence of a local flood. There is no archeological evidence that the flood was global and resulted in death of all life. That is the only point I made.
There is also no archeological evidence of anything spiritual or supernatural.
"Noah´s covenant with God, Hebrew or pre-Hebrew, is a powerful testimony to chronology and continuity."
This is a religious person talking, not an anthropologist.
What god? How are you defining the god?
Is it a testimony now? After we have agreed that it is not a factual representation of events but an exaggerated one?
"Human beings need spiritual-religious orientation. scientific rationalism is a divergence and attempted substitute, but not sufficient."
Do we really need that? What are you basing this conclusion on?
Utkarsh Srivastav
Derek Pignataro
"But what about us, who aren't anthropologists?… See more
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ut Sri "'Human beings need spiritual-religious orientation. scientific rationalism is a divergence and attempted substitute, but not sufficient.'
Do we really need that? What are you basing this conclusion on?"
Indeed, excellent question. That final point is central. Even without addressing the full specifics of the powerful First Cause-Kalam Cosmological argument, you are demonstrating a major fallacy that is simply a knowledge domain fallacy, ie an epistemological fallacy, with phenomena, real world epistemics, in question. Assuming "science´s" ie natural philosophy´s, methodological naturalism, is a crass fallacy, rampant as it is and typical of ideologues in modern times. As widespread as sci-tech is, the attempt to DENY or INVALIDATE other phenomena and knowledge domains is a crass and badly misinformed, fallacy nonetheless. "Science´s´" popularity and widespread use does have interesting implications, in CORRECTING some kinds of errors, in religious doctrines, folk superstitions, etc.
However, in changing the nature of reality and truth, "science" is only helping its own central discipline, PHILOSOPHy in full integrity of what that means, MULTIDISCIPLINARY PHILOSOPHICAL TRUtH(s) , not "science and naturalism is the best and only, and final word on truth." "Science" is a term that actually has degraded natural philosophy to a technicians´ task of filling in blanks in preformed equations, and mistaking "scientific theory" as all powerful technicians´ idea-making. As if it weren´t a revival of science as natural form of philosophical human logical reasoning in a full spectrum of philosophical disciplines. However, "science" as a label and technophile orientation never ended its philosophical nature, it just obscured it and mystified it. Developing new concepts like Dark Matter and Energy was like what Einstein classically demonstrated in his "theoretical" work, ie natural philosophical work. Einstein also showed nascent superficial insights by commenting on epistemology, acknowledging Jesus´ empirical quality, and showering admiration on Gandhi, "Who would believe....?!"
A powerful introduction to the issue in the cauldron and midst of Descartes´ "mind-body split" legacy is G Vico´s observation from that time of "verum factum (we make the truth)." One part stated more precisely emerged in response to A Comte´s logical positivism, that "science" "describes, predicts, and controls." Social philosopher Max Weber et al finally responded adequately with antipositivism/interpretivism in the 1920s. That is, Human symbolic behavior requires understanding. That much you seem prepared to acknowledge. However, it has further implications. In brief reveiw, Philosophy´s role is primary, and the fallacy of overgeneralizing methodological naturalism beyond science. Human behavior requires a new level of complexity, including symbol use.
The supernatural isn´t the only issue. When you say "Is it a testimony now? After we have agreed that it is not a factual representation of events but an exaggerated one?" you mistake Fundamentalists´ literalist plus kind of confusion for what I have taken pains to identify as a scholar, "science" as philosophical and limited, and the empirical reality of multiple disciplines, including transpersonal psy and spiritual-religious phenomena like the transcendental supernatural. Moses´ experiences including the Exodus are a clearer example, with impressive physical events combining with Moses´ spiritual-rel. visions. Returning to the modern angle and focus, in Jesus´ legacy to be clear, we can recognize human minds and personalities are actual multidisciplinary entities using symbols, and not merely "cognitive", nor even "ratio-emotive." And what of minds and the transpersonal/transcendental ie supernatural? The Catholic church has studied miracle healing claims with medical exams since the 1800s, at least. William James cited Christian Science and its descendent approaches for their healing testimonies, followed by BO Flowers´ even more detailed book. Modern media has made some records, with the category "medically attested, medically impossible healings with spiritual-religious testimony."
All rich in material. Centrally, however, even without responding to your desire for specific responses, is the need to engage the appropriate knowledge domains, ie epistemological ones, including the philosophy of metaphysics. Methodological naturalism doesn´t define all of "love", nor the history of modern "Science" and certainly not the spiritual-religious phenomena that shamanism itself further anchors. You think tribal shamanism, eg Black Elk´s famous testimony, justifies ideological naturalism? Hardly. And that means it justifies spiritual-religious phenomena, and all that I´m beginning to refer to. You can say you´re not ready to get into those details, but you at least are faced with the limits in the kind of reasoning you´re trying to do in negating the supernatural, or call it the transcendental, or physicist David Bohm´s explicate reality. Denying and invalidating that category of empirical phenomena, philosophical disciplinary study for knowledge, and reality is a fallacy.
Not just Black Elk, but Rasputin´s famous life in Czarist Russia after 1906, no less, like Catholic medical miracle exams, William James and BO Flowers´ Christian Science-type studies, OC Simonton MD´s Healing Journey account, and C Keener´s 2011 Miracles book are some significant references, among not a few others. This testimony of Marlene Klepees´ healing from cerebral palsy was recorded at the famous Mayo Clinic, with the testimony itself then a separate psychosocial empirical account. Medical protocol uses methodological naturalism, while psychosocial records are separate in themselves. The actual spiritual-religious phenomena would then require at least a Transpersonal Psychological, and comparative religious and metaphysical, disciplinary analysis to get beyond even conventional psychosocial empirical naturalism. Not just "science," nor just psychology, with classical philosophy, educational pstchology, and Systems Theory (physics) acknowledging diverse knowledge domains and epistemologies. And I want to acknowledge you as one of the most well-spoken and scholarly-minded people I have encountered so far, although acknowledging the full implications of multidisciplinary philosophical issues is a crucial dividing line itself. Utkarsh Srivastav
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
"The grounding of morality is evolution" And You know, or think that how?
Br Lem · 20h ·
The grounding of morality is evolution.
The way we tend to talk about morality is fundamentally wrong. This is not unique to either believers nor non-believers; this problem is pervasive in philosophical discussions of morality. There is an understandable intent toward abstraction in the discussion. To perhaps misuse the term, to make a foundation of morality necessarily 'transcendent' (objective) or determine that it doesn't exist at all (subjective).
But as useful as methodological abstraction can be in many domains, including within the domain of morality, the grounding of morality cannot be disconnected from experience, indeed, from biology. We tend to speak of 'right' and 'wrong' as if they could even in principle be considered a different sort of Platonic ideal in the same way that numbers are 'real' in that they're not dependent on minds to 'exist' (in some sense).
The entire domain of moral thought is grounded in the recognition that we tend to feel good when we do good and bad when we do bad. At it's heart, it's an observational investigation, not merely a conceptual one. As language and community was developing, we'd have noticed this pattern, and at some point tried to figure out _why_. The answer, of course, is that we evolved as a social species to tend toward a behavioral dynamic balance between selfish and altruistic behaviors toward our group. Organisms that tended too much toward selfish behavior would have either abandoned their social structures, or been abandoned by their group. Organisms that tended too much toward altruistic behaviors would not likely have survived or reproduced sufficiently to pass along those genetic tendencies.
The 'grounding' of morality isn't transcendent or abstract. Neither is it non-existent. It's in evolution itself. Morality is the mechanism that the 'organism' of the community uses to continue and propagate itself. No external arbiter is required, nor even possible. Morality is a survival trait of a societal organism.
MRM @ Br Lem
Ah, Gandhi. And William James. Like evolutionary biology and Darwin, and AR Wallace, Gandhi emerged as an original individual with psycho-social and cultural spiritual-religious tools, including his law education and contact with interfaith theosophy. Involving enriched elements that don´t ignore Jesus except in neglect. Darwin asked, "What does Christ have to do with science, except maybe evidence?" Darwin had no clue that his own character concerned with being reasonably kind, as with his church project with wife Emma and kindness to AR Wallace and the like, opposition to slavery, distinction from credit-stealing dinosaur anatomist Rich Owens´, were all high integrity Christian behaviors, like Quaker founder G Fox 200 years earlier. D also suffered physically from his intense rational scholarship. He didn´t know about, much less seek spiritual healing with J Blumhart in Switzerland or Germany, for example. He liked hydrotherapy, but didn´t get his hydrotherapist´s insights into psychology. Darwin´s biological insights were part of his specialization, but he was not a spiritual genius, like Gandhi and William James later, or Quaker founder G Fox earlier. (see below) Same here in the OP.
What does the OP´s reductionist view say? What an evolutionary phenomenon! Well, that´s not irrelevant or without true info and data, but it is woefully insufficient, and in attempting to negate and deny other key elements and aspects, ideological and fallacious. Just a "societal organisms." There are none. Guess what that is? That´s an abstraction, a metaphor, a use of a concrete image word-symbol "organism" mixed with a human-psycho-social referent word-symbol "society," in which the concept of the word-symbol "biological evolution" has been developed as part of human historical and psycho-socio-cultural development. Uh oh. Take Piaget´s move from natural history and philosophy to pioneering child development work in psychology.
First of all, "The 'grounding' of morality isn't transcendent or abstract. Neither is it non-existent. It's in evolution itself." As if that were a sufficiently informed view. It´s not. Do ants tugging at a leaf or big piece of sweet fruit, or big, dead cockroach, get analyzed merely evolutionarily? Hardly. One wants to tug it, then another. Individual action with biomechanics and neuronal firing, with social action perception neurons on the backburner. Evaluating how to sink in mandibles, and how to tug, in rela tion to fellow colony ants. Then the social action neurons kick in, and the fruit or cockroach starts heading to the colony in concerted actions. "I tug thus," or "I push thus" in a joint effort of ants using mandibles, etc. Evolutionary biology is part of, but not sufficient for an adequate analysis. Even in evolutionary biology, the basic principle used involves recognizing and classifying causes, Ultimate and Proximal.
When you try to rule out the "transcendent or abstract", you´ve projected, since your very analysis is abstract conceptual biology, a bit transcendent in its own way, reflecting in fact other transcendent realities, aka systems, of phenomena and knowledge. Only, instead of interrelating knowledge of different levels of mechanics and human psycho social processes, you´ve fumbled the ball, after calling the ball not the elephant in the room, but "pigskin evolution," to use and mix two other kinds of human psychosocial metaphors. For s tarters, humans make American footballs in a very real psychosocial context, and "elephants in the room" has its own complexity.
I got my own college degree in Bio Anthro, and began my own focus on the evolution of speech and symbol use, and on to religious ritual, "genes, brain, and behavior," and microsociology.
So, as "Morality is the mechanism that the 'organism' of the community uses to continue and propagate itself. No external arbiter is required, nor even possible."
Yeah, let´s get some ant physiologists in here, please. And for scholars of human behavior, a nice team including anthropologists, like a guy with a degree, me. jFirstly, morality is a human behavioral capacity, and "mechanism" is not a sufficient metaphor when ignoring interacting bio (not just evo.), psycho-social and cultural knowledge. In fact, concrete empirical references shatter ideological smoke, mirrors, and mirages. Take ancient Rome. Conquering ancient Greek Corinth in one case, and Carthage in another both in the 140s BC/E, and later Sulla sieging Athens in the 80s BC/E, the Roman generals committed much slaughter and enslavement. Interesting nuances emerge in empirical study of the details, but Sulla´s case alone is illuminating. He was besieging Athens when his own friends were arriving from Rome, where a rival general was causing violence. In Rome. Nice politicking.
Sulla´s friends included some cultured folks. The Athenians were proud folks, an interesting correlate to their historical culture including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They had annoyed Sulla in their pride as they refused to submit, and Sulla was ready to act normally and massacre and enslave. His friends, however, included some who really valued Athens´ cultural status, so that they begged Sulla to spare the city and its people. Gen Sulla altered his plans a bit in response to his friends, in that case. Thank Zeus? Or Jupiter? Not really. Although Plato´s account of Socrates´ origins as a philosopher gives an account in which the Oracle of Delphi incredibly sparked Socrates. An incredible account, correlated with other, many modern, related spiritual-religious cases, suggesting transcendental intervention.
And then came Jesus, and a fascinating and complex history that led to Christian post-monastic Universities, as the fruits of Christianized modern philosophy inspired new inquiries to create religious integrity, as in Luther´s inspired Reformation, and tolerance, as with Hugo Grotius, John Locke, and T Jefferson et al. That spirit of integrity and tolerance wasn´t primarily Greek, where slavery was never questioned. The end of legal slavery in Western Europe was spurred by a spiritual-religious experience based knowledge and practice community emerging in George Fox´s leading the co-founding of the Quaker-Friends. Their high integrity spiritual community in a hundred years had individuals organizing and protesting slavery in Parliament. Quaker organizing blazed centrally along with more isolated efforts to inspire University activity. One scholar-professor held an essay contest that spurred T Clarkson, who researched, wrote, and won. He became the central driving force, while W Wilberforce in Parliament had higher status and became better known. In the US, William Lloyd Garrison may be known, John Brown, and Abe Lincoln most of all, but Garrison was in association with Quakers, and so on.
Just as knowledge of weapons proceeded from arrows and broadswords to cutlasses, rifles, and cannons by the Civil War, knowledge of spiritual-religious knowledge has developed through the social sciences and humanities, including shamanism and the Kalam cosmological argument. That is how philosophical scholarship uses mul ti-disciplinary empiricism and more to determine truth, not overspecialized appeals to one scientific discipline and ideological materialism.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Is the Mind Just Environmental?
Craig Volpe
The mind being something independent from the physical environment made sense a long time ago, but no longer. With the advent of neuroscience and all the ways experiments manipulating the brain consistently show the mind is a product of and dependent on the physical brain, all the evidence points to the mind is of the environment.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Craig Volpe Certainly, the human mind´s relatedness to the environment has been developed with various forms of scholarship with empiricism, all philosophical in nature, to correct a bias inherent in the technophile term "science." Neuroscience has made some interesting observations, as has behavioral psychology, and most recently, eco-psychology.
Yet, so has transpersonal psychology. And even ecology. Is Lovelock´s "Gaia hypothesis" merely invalidated because it´s not legitimate in scientific terms? Hardly. In fact, Buddhist and Christian uses converge in Comp Religious Studies with eco-psychology etc to provide for an argument and factual concept that people overexposed to "science" extremism in materialist ideology fail to overcome profiteering businesspeople´s propaganda and influences. No named entity? Out of sight, out of mind, in fact.
Thus, for example, modern environmentalism emerged as biologist and writer-artist Rachel Carson developed along with things like some Audobon Soc. support, Audobon has done some amazing good, but Carson´s efforts raising red alerts seem more connected to how Sierra Club developed and supplied the founders of Friends of the Earth and co-founders of Greenpeace, as WWF also converged as activists.
The issue thus engages with how truth gets perceived and people act more in Jesus´ spirit of "do good (even if it means breaking unjust rules)." Matt 12.
With so much overexposure to mere physicalist "science," people can even become opposed to science´s own limits, nature as philosophy, and merely one kind of empiricism. Thus, Sierra Club´s roots in John Muir´s founding them is helpful, since he was an eco-spiritual post-Presbyterian. Emerson met and called Muir a prophet. Unscientific? Empirical.
Emerson himself was prophetic, and perhaps slightly more scholarly. He had left Unitarianism, and as an independent studying Hinduism, proposed God as an Oversoul.
Emerson also admired the Quaker-Friends. They had been founded not by any scholar, but were lead in being co-founded by Brit George Fox, with minimal formal ed there north of London by 1650. For a lowlevel ed guy, Fox brilliantly simplified worship, and identified key values in meditative worship on the Inner LIght of Christ, respecting individuals and their experiences, women, and protesting injustices. His insights reflect the application of self-awareness, a central spiritual faculty. It is a key factor in extending "Mind over Matter," that reflects more Piaget´s observing agency in child development, and even Freud´s self-analysis for therapeutic psychs in his own school, with what must be many similar apps in diverging schools.
Freud´s "id, ego, and superego" were what he formulated not with a microscope, but a notepad after listening to his patients. The human mind and how it, we, humans experience reality beyond merely material sensations. Our symbolic norms, values, and concepts. Black Elk told J Neimann about his vision of sacred hoops and a holy flowering tree, Mother and Father for all beings to be united.
We are more familiar in secularism with abstract concepts. Those are non-material. "Sustainability." Its physical referents have been left at more concrete levels of knowledge. The human mind.
While "science" tries to objectify, Black Elk had his vision showing relationship of metaphysical issues and referents. A sacred hoop linked to a tree, etc.? And John Muir, who wrote about God while looking at nature, but not equating them. Emerson, drawing on Hinduism as an interfaith, independent Christian-based scholar. Historical, sociological, psychological, all coming into play. And George Fox more directly or explicitly still, uncovered by secular culture´s airbrushing features. Back all the way to Jesus who id´d as the Son, with Peter, Paul, et al. And now able to inspire study of Hinduism, Buddhism, shamanism, and more.
James Frederick Ferrier was a philosopher who innovated the term "epistemology." He also developed an argument that human conceptual self-perception as mind is not original, but requires a template. As Thomas Aquinas revised Aristotle´s esoteric First Cause, empiricizing it, then came discussion of God´s Divine Mind, and JFF´s argument.
And then we have such spiritual-religious phenomena, ie metaphysical, as medically attested, medically impossible healing with spiritual religious healing. As in OC Simonton MD´s work, L Mehl-Madrona MD´s work, C Crandall MD´s, and L Dossey´s writing about some of many Catholic account´s.
So, the non-physical mind begins to become comprehensible as appropriate information is considered.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Modernizing Christian Concepts, like Honor, for Progressives. It´s Multi-disciplinary, eg with Historical Sociology
(Based on a post reflecting on an interview with a Chinese woman...) Thanks to the author for another interesting interview, and opportunity to reflect on an interesting topic around the Bible and Jesus. At this progressive site, we honor progressive deconstruction of doctrines, which Jeff actually acknowledges briefly in their widespread succumbing to secular and other forms of materialism.
On that issue, I noticed a while back a few things, first as I considered my spiritual identity and the possibility of becoming a Christian. I was an interfaith spiritual seeker, and perceived that Jesus taught love. Was love in any exclusionary, justify such common attitudes as "No other spiritual-religious teacher and figure matters except Jesus!"? In fact, the NT is rather sparse on many issues, and requires a lot of interpretation. In that case, it was clear to me already that love involves learning, and love thy neighbor as thyself, until thy enemy" places Jesus in a powerful interactive position. Clearly many Christians have difficulty integrating things that way, since integrating issues requires literacy in human behavior to understand processes and "open doors and windows," not just walls and labels for them.
Thus, the interpretation that "love" is exclusionary is based on a historical context. Many people might find it easy to recall that the Roman Empire had conflicts between Imperial pagans and pagans in general on one side, and Christians who refused imperial worship on the other. Most people may not really have been oriented to how uniquely the Western Roman Christian church was when the Western Roman Empire collapsed as the last Emperor was replaced by a tribal commander who merely became the King of Italy. The Western Roman church was already being separated from the Eastern Constantinople church in an amazing process of contrasts. For Rome, it meant a new kind of society was being built. from a Western Christian church network with monasteries. The invading tribes were wreaking some havoc as they conquered areas. Christian missionaries were sent out with success, incredible as it seems to put it clearly: the invaders were converted by the conquered to the religion of the conquered. Aryanism lived on, despite central Western church doctrines. By the time of the Frankish king Charlemagne, his granddad Charles Martel had stopped the invading Moors in 732 AD. Charlemagne then dealt with longstanding conflicts with the pagan Saxons, and then the Aryan Lombards.
Charlemagne´s reestablishment of a unified Europe for Rome didn´t revive the old Roman Empire, and it was only nostalgia prominent in the name "The Holy Roman Empire." That refers then to the church´s capital, not the political capital, in Aix-le-Chapelle (Aachen) of Charlemagne, at first. That detail began to shift in time. It was a new society, to reemphasize, in which first invaders´ tribal religions had been converted by missionaries. Later battles followed. Not Roman paganism, but tribal paganism had become most recently transformed by post-imperial Roman Christianity.
Islam had higher levels of civil strife than Christian areas, and by 1150, Christians had developed monastic schools into early modern Universities, and in a hundred years, the monk Thom Aquinas accomplished the Great Synthesis, Christianizing and empiricizing Aristotle and ancient Greek philosophy. The power unleashed by modern philosophical education and scholarship with empiricism led to merchants, soldiers, and politicians leading global European colonialism for "God, gold, and glory," along with the educated monk Luther´s inspired 95 Theses and the Protestant Reformation.
The Enlightenment followed Descartes and Hugo Grotius et al to naturalist explanations, and to secularization to avoid denominational and general religious conflicts. Naturalist methods in and secularization of education went with colonial powers spreading it and its availability to developing peoples. That accompanied the US´s constitutional democracy and Civil Rights, Gandhi´s education and experience, and FD Roosevelt´s vision and legacy of the UN and human rights proposed to the world after WWII, and negotiated. Gandhi´s education as a lawyer channeled into his spiritual education sparked by meeting interfaith theosophists. His experience in South Africa then forged his spiritual practice and activism as a foundation for the movement he led in India.
Historiography is a basic method of tracking the details of history. Sociology and psychology involve identifying processes at work as individuals operate in society, including the use and abuse of power, privilege, and pleasure. Transpersonal psychology as a subdiscipline represents an advance in recognizing orientations of individuals beyond themselves, as in social action and spiritual-religious activity. Piaget´s pioneering and legacy in developmental psychology
help conceive how individuals are not ready-made or predestined in their development nowadays. That also applies to historical development. By watching history, we can see how modern University-based society developed as people learned things in Jesus´ legacy. We aren´t alive 2000 years ago, and naturalist and secularist methods have neglected modernizing spiritual-religious knowledge. That all goes far in extending how the author´s recognition of "honor" represents a value beyond the popular one of "freedom." In progressive Christianity, people begin the process of honoring Jesus´ commandments for God to love by grasping its modernized meaning, and well called "spiritualized" and no longer anachronistic. Thanks to the author for another interesting interview, and opportunity to reflect on an interesting topic around the Bible and Jesus. At this progressive site, we honor progressive deconstruction of doctrines, which Jeff actually acknowledges briefly in their widespread succumbing to secular and other forms of materialism.
On that issue, I noticed a while back a few things, first as I considered my spiritual identity and the possibility of becoming a Christian. I was an interfaith spiritual seeker, and perceived that Jesus taught love. Was love in any exclusionary, justify such common attitudes as "No other spiritual-religious teacher and figure matters except Jesus!"? In fact, the NT is rather sparse on many issues, and requires a lot of interpretation. In that case, it was clear to me already that love involves learning, and love thy neighbor as thyself, until thy enemy" places Jesus in a powerful interactive position. Clearly many Christians have difficulty integrating things that way, since integrating issues requires literacy in human behavior to understand processes and "open doors and windows," not just walls and labels for them.
Thus, the interpretation that "love" is exclusionary is based on a historical context. Many people might find it easy to recall that the Roman Empire had conflicts between Imperial pagans and pagans in general on one side, and Christians who refused imperial worship on the other. Most people may not really have been oriented to how uniquely the Western Roman Christian church was when the Western Roman Empire collapsed as the last Emperor was replaced by a tribal commander who merely became the King of Italy. The Western Roman church was already being separated from the Eastern Constantinople church in an amazing process of contrasts. For Rome, it meant a new kind of society was being built. from a Western Christian church network with monasteries. The invading tribes were wreaking some havoc as they conquered areas. Christian missionaries were sent out with success, incredible as it seems to put it clearly: the invaders were converted by the conquered to the religion of the conquered. Aryanism lived on, despite central Western church doctrines. By the time of the Frankish king Charlemagne, his granddad Charles Martel had stopped the invading Moors in 732 AD. Charlemagne then dealt with longstanding conflicts with the pagan Saxons, and then the Aryan Lombards.
Charlemagne´s reestablishment of a unified Europe for Rome didn´t revive the old Roman Empire, and it was only nostalgia prominent in the name "The Holy Roman Empire." That refers then to the church´s capital, not the political capital, in Aix-le-Chapelle (Aachen) of Charlemagne, at first. That detail began to shift in time. It was a new society, to reemphasize, in which first invaders´ tribal religions had been converted by missionaries. Later battles followed. Not Roman paganism, but tribal paganism had become most recently transformed by post-imperial Roman Christianity.
Islam had higher levels of civil strife than Christian areas, and by 1150, Christians had developed monastic schools into early modern Universities, and in a hundred years, the monk Thom Aquinas accomplished the Great Synthesis, Christianizing and empiricizing Aristotle and ancient Greek philosophy. The power unleashed by modern philosophical education and scholarship with empiricism led to merchants, soldiers, and politicians leading global European colonialism for "God, gold, and glory," along with the educated monk Luther´s inspired 95 Theses and the Protestant Reformation.
The Enlightenment followed Descartes and Hugo Grotius et al to naturalist explanations, and to secularization to avoid denominational and general religious conflicts. Naturalist methods in and secularization of education went with colonial powers spreading it and its availability to developing peoples. That accompanied the US´s constitutional democracy and Civil Rights, Gandhi´s education and experience, and FD Roosevelt´s vision and legacy of the UN and human rights proposed to the world after WWII, and negotiated. Gandhi´s education as a lawyer channeled into his spiritual education sparked by meeting interfaith theosophists. His experience in South Africa then forged his spiritual practice and activism as a foundation for the movement he led in India.
Historiography is a basic method of tracking the details of history. Sociology and psychology involve identifying processes at work as individuals operate in society, including the use and abuse of power, privilege, and pleasure. Transpersonal psychology as a subdiscipline represents an advance in recognizing orientations of individuals beyond themselves, as in social action and spiritual-religious activity. Piaget´s pioneering and legacy in developmental psychology
help conceive how individuals are not ready-made or predestined in their development nowadays. That also applies to historical development. By watching history, we can see how modern University-based society developed as people learned things in Jesus´ legacy. We aren´t alive 2000 years ago, and naturalist and secularist methods have neglected modernizing spiritual-religious knowledge. That all goes far in extending how the author´s recognition of "honor" represents a value beyond the popular one of "freedom." In progressive Christianity, people begin the process of honoring Jesus´ commandments for God to love by grasping its modernized meaning, and well called "spiritualized" and no longer anachronistic.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
"Christianity" Needs To Be Differentiated To Grasp Holy Sacredness in History
Da Ca
Christianity from its inception has laid particular emphasis upon it being a recounting of historical facts, thereby constructing a binary perception in which all other religions must be incorrect at best or Satanic deception at worst. Outright, Christianity denies the quality of truth in the vast history of human sacredness.
Ma So
Daniel Calvert Since it’s inception, no. Post council of Nicaea definitely. There was a vast group of early Christian sects that took the metaphorical approach, but they were killed or burned off as heretics.
Da Ca
Mark Souza the synoptic gospels in particular, written in the first century, do present this emphasis, and remained highly regarded pre & post Nicaea. Paul wrote in the 40 - 60 timeframe and holds no conflict with them.
Daniel Calvert that assumes the synoptic gospels were meant to be taken literally. And it’s not clear to me at the moment if the author of Paul’s letters would have read the gospels.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma So That´s already anachronistic. Jesus´ amazing life and mission was itself an attempt first with the Jews, and showing his generosity to help non-Jews, and teaching God´s mercy and the need to "go and learn" that. Then came Peter and Paul´s wrestling with the shift to the Gentiles, including Peter´s vision. Anachronistic views of "intolerance" ignore the struggles for basic identity in conflict with imperial paganism and its holdovers. From Greek philosophy to the fall of the West to Gregory´s pro-syncretic ideas, basic threads of applying "love" with broader understanding were cooking.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Da Ca Good point in acknowledging the topic of "the history of human sacredness"! However, way too overgeneralized, since right wing evangelical and Catholic conservatives are the intolerant centers in Christianity, while progressive Christianity is very tolerant and aligned with US Civil Rights and UN human rights, even if all the layers aren´t yet widely grasped in combination. It becomes a question of adequate empiricism or literacy. In starting to make an intelligent observation, you succumb to a lack of adequate empirical distinctions.
Empirical detail keeps a person grounded in the very real struggles of history among people that helps evaporate anachronistic anti-supremacist judgmentalism.
The Roman Empire´s Christianity had been in friction against pagans, not angels. The fall of the West in 476 AD wasn´t a joy ride, but it showed how an unprecedented shift occurred. The invading tribes were converted by the surviving church. By 732, Islam was using the sword viciously until Charles Martel´s savvy preparedness spared Christian Church Europe, such as it was. His grandson was Charlemagne, who faced conflicts, centrally with the pagan Saxons and the Arian Lombards.
Getting beyond "binary", and even more getting to religious freedom and interfaith awareness and orientation has required specific educational and cultural advances, as in the alternative frameworks of Max Mueller´s Comparative Religious scholarship by the first Gifford Lecture, the 1893 Chicago World Parliament organized by Bonney and Barrows, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, and more.
Those specific educational and cultural advances alone have involved a kind of complexity that has obscured the meaning of "Christianity" and deprived it of its driving loving integrity in Jesus´ legacy. The monk T Aquinas made a fundamental advance with his empirical arguments for God as First Cause. "Science" has been renamed from natural philosophy, and the social sciences and humanities from moral philosophy and human laws. Advances empowered European colonialism based on merchant, soldier, and political ambitions, not usually respected in balance of hindsight, but ultimately misjudged as "inhuman." The law of the jungle was carrying the kill-switch of Jesus´ integrity, which imbues the good side of colonialism in how it spread Universities, and led to Wm Jones´ Asia Society around 1790. That´s where Luther´s Reformation, anthropology, etc could all begin to develop, with Gandhi and FD Roosevelt´s Social Gospel influenced leadership after the 1929 Stock Market Crash to overcoming resistance to war preparations to envisioning the UN and human rights.
Not primarily Christianity now, for all its progressive churches, but academia and profiteering business are locked in power struggles for control. Profiteers have spread economic materialism on top of scientific and secular materialism. Academia has followed that trend, while anthropologists and psychosocial studies scholars value various human rights elements. Jung´s psychology before Campbell´s own, has also been accompanied by Mircae Eliade´s thoughts on comparative religious experience, with comparative scholars H Smith and N Smart too little valued still. Later M Harner´s split from academia with his transpersonal shamanic practice legacy. Christian churches have been shaken by profiteering businesspeople in the post-WWII Cold War, in which Marx´s work was wielded for totalitarianism that profiteers exploited by aligning and amplifying militarist anti-communism.
Progressive Christianity has had difficulty identifying beyond doctrinal truths because of the larger issues going on. Their position for interfaith positions can be empowered by recognizing the original spiritual Christianity in University-based scholarship. In all the steps, now progressive Christians can align with Christianity´s Jesus-legacy secret sauce of University education like anthropology and Comp Rel Stud to help coordinate a structured pluralism. "Human sacredness" has had its evil eyes and so on that have accompanied universal violence and enslavement practices. Jesus´ legacy has created a standard in UN human rights, along with its red alerts in sustainability.
Ma So Author
Mark Rego Monteiro I’ve seen some very good scholarly takes on both the historical vs mythical Christ, but that’s neither here nor there, that why I was assuming to operate from a historical Jesus so we didn’t get side tracked.
When I use the word “metaphor” i use it as a synonym for allegory or parable which is definitely biblical language. So bearing that in mind, it can’t be anachronistic when we know this style of literacy was already being used back then. John Dominic Crossan makes the scholarly case for this in “The Power of Parable” if you need a credible source.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma So Well, the issue of metaphor has a few applications, as in the parables of Jesus. However, the referent to spiritual-religious phenomena still becomes a question. Crossan is a materialist. When it comes to truth claims, the issue of spiritual-religious reality isn´t something you can just brush aside. By citing Crossan, you seem to be trying to justify your position that "shuffles its feet," maybe acknowledging Jesus as historical, but then citing the materialist Crossan.
You are using the term "metaphor" in general, while this discussion began with your response to DC´s assertion of Christianity "denying the sacred truth outside."
My point of your anachronism involves your assumptions about the Gospel being literal or not, and then using doubts about Paul´s status.
Your own position of the reality of the Christian figures is basic to your failure to identify the issues of Christians going from indigenous Jewish to relating to exogenous individuals and groups.
Crossan´s kind of position is based on various kinds of assumptions. I have my own credentials, and have seen the serious neglect amongst progressives in identifying spiritual-religious reality, as if such a view is limited to current conservative evangelical exclusionism.
Thus, my position is approximated by linking C Keener´s excellent 2011 work on Miracles as real and OC Simonton MD´s own patient´s testimony, ie spiritual-religious phenomena, and linking it to work like J Hannam´s History of Science and Religion. Meanwhile, most progressives do acknowledge the psychological benefits of prayer and meditation.
"Metaphor" is the overuse, and misuse, of the concept that tries to cater to materialism instead of using empiricism appropriately and overcoming the metaphysical naturalism of academia and progressive culture more generally. US Civil Rights developed by T Jefferson et al up to UN human rights by FDR et al isn´t a modern "metaphorical" development, as a case in point. Neither is Gandhi, Rev MLK, et al. They can be directly linked through the University-based system to the transformative power of God´s love through Jesus and his legacy through historical sociology and psychosocial studies. Transpersonal psychology and C Keener´s work then break the issues of ideological materialist assumptions.
Campbell was wrong, in fact, in his own confusing the problem of Biblical literalism with the reality of spiritual religious phenomena and Jesus´ loving integrity for God. Clearly, it´s a widespread issue, with progressive secular materialism linked to other forms. My reference to OC Simonton MD shows how I have used psychosomatic medical resources as a helpful approach in defining spiritual-religious phenomena. That is a modern way to justify Jesus´ Resurrection, and begin to differentiate the meaning of his words then from their development. The Enlightenment then isn´t seen as diverging from Jesus´ legacy of integrity, just from church doctrines. Jefferson, for example, was anti-clerical, but trying to sustain his Christianity as a Deist rationalist.
Mark Rego Monteiro
D BC I got my degree in Bio Anthro, and studying Dawkins book a bit. I can appreciate the approaches you are looking at.
My work, only as an undergrad, focused on the evolution of speech and symbol use, up through religious ritual and microsociology. I identified empirical work by an anthropologist ED Chapple that built on Pavlov (ie and Watson, Jones, and Skinner)´s behavioral neurophysiology of conditioning. That also needs linking to Piaget´s developmental work, and raises the issues of cognitive-object tool use and relational-emotional-social symbol use.
Thus, the evolution of "inclusive fitness" ie cooperating with relatives, has been extended beyond mere crude biological levels of local perception. That is where identifying the non-rational issues of spiritual-religious shamanic and post-shamanic experience, phenomena, and knowledge identfies their non-materialist character. Thus, the distinction of Jesus´ life, mission, message, and legacy community is full of specific events and processes of developmental significance. They underlie "biological science" itself, as part of University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism.
Jefferson etal´s Civil Rights, FDR et al´s UN human rights, and Gandhi´s satagraha thus are not limited to mere evolutionary analysis, but require psychosocial and cultural interpretation as I have started providing here. Weinstein is not clear about how his use of the term "metaphor" requires its own deconstruction and interrelation all the way to transpersonal psychology and more. You mentioned Freud, no less, and rightly. However, Freud´s early work had not yet gotten bogged in Oedipal metaphor. Jung´s work addressed new levels of insight that allowed him to start with mere "archetypes," but extend that to broader implications with his Higher Self as Jesus Christ the Imago Dei. Stan Jaki´s work on Science in Jesus´ legacy, among others, also then comes into play.
In fact, while Jefferson, FDR, and Gandhi all defy mere biological indulgence, Jefferson´s more rationalist mindset is a key issue. The relevance of empirical spiritual-religious phenomena can then be emphasized by noting George Fox´s experience in founding the Quaker Friends, Sganyadiyo/Handsome Lake healing himself and others of alcoholism in Jefferson´s day, up to Rasputin´s miraculous insertion in the Czar´s circles as a monk from modest origins because he could alleviate the Prince´s genetic hemophilia condition. William James´ use of "mind-cure" testimonies in his classic book Varieties of Religious Experience is also worth noting. Empirical spiritual-religious phenomena.
Friday, December 2, 2022
The Puddle In the Whole Designed Just for It
Josh Martin
I’ve chewed on this concept a lot since atheists have challenged me with it.
I think it’s a considerable point but we’ve found a way to escape that puddle to look around for other puddles and still haven’t found anything capable of life like earth.
Thus far we are completely unique despite discoveries far beyond our puddle.
Jvan Lozada
Josh Martin Just a little bit of research and you will find how essential are these little muddy puddles in human development a lot of people just look at them as useless but they are not just essential for your kids to play, it’s shaped their lives too, boost immune system and etc… it’s just a dumb ignorant analogy
Josh Martin
Jvan Lozada I think the analogy merit’s consideration but usually when it’s used against me in regards to creation the point tends to be that of course the earth would have life because it’s suited to maintain life.
But thus far (thus far the important wording) we’ve not discovered another planet like ours.
There’s been the possibility of microbes, but nothing expansive and intricate like earth.
People find it silly for me to say a creator specifically crafted our world when there’s so much beyond our planet. Yet we’ve not discovered intelligent life on anything else.
Josh Martin
Mark Rego Monteiro
Josh Martin Interesting reflections. I see it from a slightly different angle, since I´ve seen the need to address the rather willful amnesia and misguided technophile tunnelvision of "science," and ideological scientific materialism.
As the analogy itself proceeds by personifying a puddle, "personification" itself isn´t merely a ´primitive behavior. It´s primarily relational instead of object-cognitive. I then take the scholarly approach of deconstructing this kind of conversation to its actual philosophical nature. Personifying the puddle here is a science advocate trying to ridicule personfication by portraying it as actually nothing more than physicality, ignoring even the very meaning of a metaphor or analogy as psychological and mental.
Because, "science" is a technophile popularized term for scientific natural philosophy, the actual human activity, ie human psycho-social, cultural and mental activity. Minds at work, reflecting our meta-animal symbol using capacity that is the interface in our spiritual-religious experiences, phenomena, and knowledge.
As you note our actual uniqueness, scientific materialists entrance people with multiverse as an imaginative and imaginary rationalist substitute for spiritual-religious practice and knowledge.
By acknowledging our human minds at work, we can appreciate that astrophysical knowledge is a human activity, and that it requires reflecting on our condition here, as in FD Roosevelt´s Social Gospel vision and legacy of the UN proposed and negotiated with the world. Gandhi, at the same time, presented a powerful image of personal spiritual, theist living. Einstein did as well, admiring Gandhi lavishly, acknowledging Jesus´ quality in the Bible NT, and himself representing a precious personality despite his own talk of Spinoza´s "impersonal God." Rationalistically speaking as he was.
Thus, from the angle of human mind and personality, we can identify the standard of philosophy in the works of "science" itself and the anchor in psychosocial reality. The issue raised by more than one philosopher, from Bishop Berkeley and made pointedly by James Fred Ferrier notes that the human mind relates to mental phenomena, and that a metaphysical First Cause-Mind is a strong argument.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Innumerable Deities is Impossible. Depending.
Ra Del-St
As far as innumerable deities, that's logically impossible.
Ra D-S
Why not polytheism? Because God comprehends in Himself the whole perfection of being. If many gods existed, they would necessarily differ from each other. Something therefore would belong to one, which did not belong to another. This is therefore a privation--and if one has a privation, it cannot be absolutely perfect. Thus, it is impossible for many gods to exist.
Ra D-St Arguing for one God is to participate, as you began to note yourself above, in the world of scholarly subject matters from academic disciplines and their scholarship. That is, philosophical scholarship, which is why "science" itself is a form of modern Christian-based ancient-Greek-eclectic-derived philosophy, not a hammer. As you basically observed.
The argument for one God is powerful in the Christian-derived view in which Aquinas took Aristotle´s more esoteric view and gave it Judeo-Christian empiricist foundations.
Yet, Aquinas was far from he end of the story. Merely the beginning of a powerful new phase that famously began launching from Vesalius and Copernicus to Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, and Locke, et al and etc. In evaluating the meaning of polytheism more adequately, it has taken even longer because of the complexities of intercultural study and interpretive issues.
Spinoza and Locke made early philosophical advances in proto-psychology, while Catholic missionaries showed their own academic orientation as monks. As the monk Luther´s inspired Reformation created new options for people, study expanded as with C Wolff in Germany using Catholic studies of China´s Confucius already. By 1790, British W Jones founded the first Asia Society, and Max Mueller became a leading scholar combining language, culture, and religion centered around Indian Hinduism.
While the psyychosocial studies disciplines have advanced the study of religion and cultures, they have advanced beyond scientific physicalism and technophilia to interpretivism and naturalism in academia. Transpersonal psychology, at least, has taken a step in the spiritual-religious direction with some room for the transcendental and "supernatural." Spiritism started by "Allen Kardec" around 1850 made an interesting start evaluating mediums, but the subject is widely contaminated by stereotypes and lack of literacy to obscure its empirical foundations. Yet, the U of Virginia´s Dept of Percep. Studies started by I Stevenson MD studying reincarnation in the 1960s has expanded to medical context NDE (return from death) experiences in which new knowledge was obtained. Thus, empirical data of transcendental experiences exists. Polytheism´s more complex significance is clarified. Just as Christians´ own interpretive issues in contrast to all such knowledge. Gandhi, for example, and related cases confront Christians with their own ideological and cultural materialism that deviates from Jesus´ own standard as the self-identifying Son of God and Man.
How might polytheism be a key concept to develop empirically to grasp how human diversity fuels people´s relationship to even one Eternal Creator God, parent of Jesus. Christian human faults and limitations and the wonderful qualities in all cultures and individuals, from original shamanism to Hinduism and so on, can be studied for their relevance. Polytheist Hinduism predisposed Gandhi to learn outside his law studies in London from interfaith theosophists, with spectacular results in his insights and application, for one.
Mrm @
J S I´d offer the results of my observations that the adequate use of the liberal arts and sciences involves the understanding of how people develop different ways of perceiving and relating to God. Eliot D. Chapple was an anthropologist who built on foundations like Pavlov´s neurophysiology of conditioning and Watson, Jones´, and Skinner´s kinds of behavioral psychology. Empirically, then, it isn´t God´s imperfection, but humanity´s diversity that can now feed the bodies of knowledge being developed by University-related culture.
R. H. Tawney- British Christian Socialist Historian
R. H. Tawney- British Christian Socialist Historian
R.H. Tawney
Born on 30 November 1880 in Calcutta, British India (present-day Kolkata, India), Tawney was the son of the Sanskrit scholar Charles Henry Tawney. He was educated at Rugby School, arriving on the same day as William Temple, a future Archbishop of Canterbury; they remained friends for life.[12] He read Greats at Balliol College, Oxford.[13] The college's "strong ethic of social service" combined with Tawney's own "deep and enduring Anglicanism" helped shape his sense of social responsibility.[14] After graduating from Oxford in 1903, he and his friend William Beveridge lived at Toynbee Hall, then the home of the recently formed Workers' Educational Association (WEA). The experience was to have a profound effect upon him. He realised that charity was insufficient and major structural change was required to bring about social justice for the poor.[15]
Beatrice Webb- pro-labor British advocate
Christian socialism
Whilst Tawney remained a regular churchgoer, his Christian faith remained a personal affair, and he rarely spoke publicly about the basis of his beliefs.[16] In keeping with his social radicalism, Tawney came to regard the Church of England as a "class institution, making respectful salaams to property and gentility, and with too little faith in its own creed to call a spade a spade in the vulgar manner of the New Testament".[17]
For three years from January 1908, Tawney taught the first Workers' Educational Association tutorial classes at Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, and Rochdale, Lancashire.[18] For a time, until he moved to Manchester after marrying Jeannette (William Beveridge's sister and a Somerville graduate), Tawney was working as part-time economics lecturer at Glasgow University. To fulfil his teaching commitments to the WEA, he travelled first to Longton for the evening class every Friday, before travelling north to Rochdale for the Saturday afternoon class. Tawney clearly saw these classes as a two-way learning process. "The friendly smitings of weavers, potters, miners and engineers, have taught me much about the problem of political and economic sciences which cannot easily be learned from books".[19]
Sidney Webb- pro-labor British advocate
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926) was his classic work[29] and made his reputation as an historian.[30] It explored the relationship between Protestantism and economic development in the 16th and 17th centuries. Tawney "bemoaned the division between commerce and social morality brought about by the Protestant Reformation, leading as it did to the subordination of Christian teaching to the pursuit of material wealth".[31]
The Oxford historian Valerie Pearl once described Tawney as having appeared to those in his presence as having an "aura of sanctity". He lent his name to the Tawney Society at Rugby School, the R. H. Tawney Economic History Society at the London School of Economics, the annual Tawney Memorial Lectures (Christian Socialist Movement), the R. H. Tawney Building at Keele University[citation needed] and the Tawney Tower Hall of Residence at Essex University.
Adrian Hastings wrote:
Behind the list of major publications was the mind of a man tirelessly guiding government, Labour movement, Church and academic community towards a new society, at once fully democratic, consciously socialistic and fully in accord with Christian belief. In effective intellectual terms it is doubtful whether anyone else had remotely comparable influence in the evolution of British society in his generation[12]
"Two of Tawney's books stand out as his most influential social criticism:[30] The Acquisitive Society (1920), Richard Crossman's "socialist bible",[12] and Equality (1931), "his seminal work".[32] The former, one of his most widely read books,[27] criticised the selfish individualism of modern society. Capitalism, he insisted, encourages acquisitiveness and thereby corrupts everyone. In the latter book, Tawney argues for an egalitarian society.
Both works reflected Tawney's Christian moral values, "exercised a profound influence" in Britain and abroad, and "anticipated the Welfare state".[30] As David Ormrod of the University of Kent stresses, "intermittent opposition from the Churches to the new idolatry of wealth surfaced from time to time but no individual critics have arisen with a combination of political wisdom, historical insight and moral force to match that of R.H. Tawney, the prophet who denounced acquisitiveness".[33]
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Psychosomatic Mysticism
It is easy to see the difficulties people have in grasping spiritual and religious seeking as a constructive subject because of the ease with which science is misplaced in a worldview of scientific materialism. I just watched a debate between Sam Harris and Chris Hedges from 2007, and read up on their biographies. Harris, it turns out, spent some length of time up to eleven years before finishing his bachelors degree. He spent some portion of that time in Asia studying Buddhism and religion there at some level. It´s worth noting that his mother created a popular TV series or two, Soap, the old comedy from the 1970s, for one. That actually begins to explain a few things. Harris´ approach was more a comedy routine, with pop philosophical elements and anti-fundamentalist jibes that play on popular prejudices. While therapeutic psychology would be an appropriate academic subject to use to ground the discussion of spiritual-religious experience, Harris uses none of that. As Hedges pointed out, Harris was talking like those who externalize evil. In my own seeking, observations like Piaget´s in human developmental got my attention, and later Freud´s observations of "abreaction" emotional reconnection as the result of the "talking cure," Freud´s method that spans his work before "free association." By John Bradshaw´s innovative work popularized in the 1990s, Bradshaw referred to the dysfunctional family and "inner child work" in books like "Healing the Shame that Binds You" and "Homecoming." My larger interests have included psychosomatic medicine to address the phenomena of responding to disease, as in OC Simonton MD´s Cancer Clinic and support group, visualization, and psychotherapeutic types of techniques in support of combination treatments. As Simonton quickly began supporting the transpersonal, spiritual interests of his patients, so is comparative religious studies the field that ultimately combines the philosophical methodologies being used to assess spiritual-religious experience. The following text is based on comparative studies
"Having their source in the commonality of empirical findings regarding body-consciousness among various traditions, the
core principles of Psychosomatic Mysticism (PM) include decentralized consciousness, structural correlations between the psyche and the body (namely the map of meaningful and essential elements of the psyche and spiritual experiences pertaining to the bodily centers of consciousness), in-depth understanding of subtle energy as intentionality, and the possibility
of actualizing cosmic awareness in the individual psyche. In Table 1, we present the summary of the essential features of the various forms of PM. These systems are the integral parts of major religions and are immediately connected with the attainment of the grand goals of human fulfillment—such as Enlightenment, Liberation or Union. This includes Hesychasm in Christianity (Dubrovin, 1990; Spidlik, 1986; Ware, 1986), Sufism in general (Renard, 1985), and especially particular systems including the knowledge of lataif (subtle body centers), such as of Simnani (Elias, 1995) and some sections in the work
of al-Ghazzali (Gairdner, 1924/1952) in Islam, Shakta-Vedanta with Kundalini Yoga and Kashmir Shaivism (Briggs, 1938/1998; Muller-Ortega, 1989; Vijnanabhairava, 1979; Woodroffe, 1981) in Hinduism, Buddhist Tantra Vajrayana (Bhattaracharyya, 1999; Lama Kun-zang Rinpoche, August 24, 2002, personal communication), Zen and Ch'an Buddhism (Durkheim, 1962; Hershock, 1996), alchemical
yoga in Taoism (Yu, 1973), and developed forms of paganism (Johnson, 1998; Yagan, 1984). The use of the bodily centers of
awareness is also found in Gnosticism (The Papyrus of Ani, 1998)."
"Health or particular skills-oriented systems of body and energy-work (e.g., Tai Chi, martial arts, Hatha yoga, or Chi-Gong) appear to have developed after, and as the outcrops of, the forms of PM that are listed in Table I. However, this is a preliminary classification not covering the diversity of all existing forms of PM. Classification questions regarding the genealogy of the various forms, their mutual enrichment, and relationship between PM and mystical philosophies, such as Persian philosophy of Illumination (Walbridge, 2000) or the neoplatonic thought of Pseudo-Dionisius (Pseudo-Dionisius, 1987), remain to be researched. Shamanism is also not covered here, as the forms of embodied awareness in shamanism are extremely complex and require special research attention. The material in Table 1 is based on the first author's (Louchakova's) field studies. Psychospiritual practices in all the forms of PM utilize awareness, concentration,
devotion and worship, as well as imagination. Table 1 names only the specific forms of practice, targeting the main centers of embodied consciousness in particular traditions."
Luchakova, Olga and Arielle S Warner. "Via Kundalini: Psychosomatic excursions in transpersonal psychology." The Humanistic Psychologist, 31(2-3), 115-158; March 2003
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Is Metaphysics and Theology Always About Seeking? What About Being? Beyond Waiting to Die
John Alan Shope
2 hrs ·
This past year, many that I know have died. I often wonder what my dying will be like.
Will I struggle and resist until life is forcefully taken from me?
Or will I somehow be able to calmly let go...grateful for having lived and at peace with whatever happens next?
Some suggest we practice "letting go" every day, so that when we face that final "letting go", it won't be so hard.
Eckhart Tolle advises, "The secret of life is to die before you die - and find that there is no death."
"Letting go" everyday may help, not only our dying, but also our living.
But what about those who survive brushes with death because they refuse to let go? Their "will to live" keeps them alive.
When does "letting go" become losing the "will to live"?
Dylan Thomas insists, "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
"To be or not to be?" Hold on or let go?
My 40 year old seminary professor, Oscar Thompson, was dying of cancer. He shared his struggles with us, and often remarked, "God doesn't give dying grace on non-dying days."
I saw my dad rage against death, but then peacefully let go at the end.
Elizabeth Berg reminds us, "There is love in holding on and there is love in letting go."
These words from Aldous Huxley speak to me...
"It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly...
Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them....Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me.
When it comes to dying even. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic.
No rhetoric...and of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the fact of dying and the fact of the clear light.
So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.
That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling,
on tiptoes and no luggage,
not even a sponge bag,
completely unencumbered."
Micah Hoover
I don't understand how you can value the "dying grace" God gives while saying "no theology" and "no metaphysics". Are you referring to the over analysis of theology and metaphysics ?
Kate Johnson
Micah Hoover Because, IMO theology isn't from God, it's our inadequate attempt at trying to explain God, and even metaphysics too because it's always "searching/seeking". There seems like there must be a point of letting go of all analyzing and searching and finally just fully embracing the mystery. JMO
Mark Rego Monteiro
Micah Hoover My dear soul, I have some strong disagreements with you, but on this matter, I am pretty strongly in agreement, although I emphasize the modernized awareness of Jesus´ legacy of loving integrity in University/modern education-based, UN human rights-sustainability concerns and society with structured pluralism and the need for spiritual modernization.
John Alan Shope
Micah Hoover over analysis and over confidence. I tend to agree with Kate. There's a time, perhaps, to let go of all our explaining, controlling, debating, judging...and just be.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Kate Johnson I think you´re really on to something when you say that "there must be a point of letting go ... and embracing the mystery." I was simply raised oriented to education, and with minimal prejudice and strong inclinations of curiosity. So, I strongly agree with how you recognize the problem when you say metaphysics "is always searching/seeking". Yet, I am happy to understand and share from good time and effort that that´s not based on the available reality of resources. I´m an interfaith UU Quaker Christian, aka Gandhian Christian, in which UU stands for Unitarian Universalist interfaith association.
Thus, Huxley´s reference to "the clear light" and the "quicksands of fear" hardly does justice to the incredible awareness of loving and just accomplishment that observe resurgent integrity in Christianity most centrally, with Huxley from an accomplished, frequently dissenting, yet privileged family, which deserves identifying in such detail to acknowledge the actual scope and dimensions of his own reality itself.
My suggesting that approach isn´t just an idea, but based on my own meditative appreciation of the resources that have been available to me, and how I began to embrace approaches like Chinese Taoism and Buddhism which for all their own anti-intellectual angles, ultimately are not treated with chaos nor limited to mere disconnection from metaphysics not least of all.
Quaker-Friend Christianity is perhaps one of the greatest reference points that shows how we can benefit from becoming aware of meditative appreciation of our spiritual-religious reality for its beneficial qualities, and that sustains the meaning of the Divine Love that Jesus actually put a the center of his mission in two loving Commandments for a Transcendental Divine Parent Entity of the Universe and its physical processes that evolved human minds. And the loving quality of that Entity when identified through the hub of the resources that trace to those loving Commandments in Jesus´ context.
"The clear light" that Huxley referred to isn´t just a physical reality, or a metaphorical use of symbolic language, but a glimpse of a larger reality that people aren´t used to calling transcendental, which isn´t just a reference to the school of thought of Emerson. Still, Emerson himself had proposed the "Oversoul" for the transcendental Entity based on his studies of Hinduism.
And so, "seeking" can very much mean, "facilitating" and I certainly advocate spiritual modernization to emphasize spiritual practice. Much like Karen Armstrong, in fact.
I have found that my own interfaith and scholarly interests allow me to grasp the issues in the philosophy of metaphysics to address issues that have been left hanging, and to build on the great modern work in ideas by people like Ms. Armstrong, physicist-Systems Theorist Fritjof Capra, comparative religion scholar Huston Smith, and Process Theologian JB Cobb, not least of all. We definitely don´t need to wait before dying to achieve the benefits of just "being," and making the philosophy of metaphysics relevant to the full meaning of Jesus´ living and spiritual-religious legacy in University-based, UN human rights-sustainability society with structured pluralism with spiritual modernization resources.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Carl Sagan´s Materialism, Backhanded or Otherwise
Here´s some fun dialoguing I had around this meme with Carl Sagan:
Ma You
Well, we do know a great deal more about the universe than when Sagan was alive and we still don't see a god.
Ez Ro
@Ma Yo
Where did you look?
You won't be given a pass on collective ignorance
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ez Ro Clarity counts. If MY can´t see it, it´s because he can´t see it with the JWS telescope that is astronomy. That´s a powerful point right there, since within scientific natural physical phenomena there are distinctions. And actually, biology is the result of cosmology and the passage of time, resulting in phenomena that aren´t just "physical", but a new category, "life."
Microscopes aren´t the only tool in studying "life," moreover, just like even the conduct necessary for astronomy isn´t just a "telescope." The historical sociology of science, as advanced significantly by Thomas Kuhn, but for scientists in particular. G. Vico already made an important distinction back in the 1700s in response to some people trying to apply Cartesian geometric techniques to people. What we know as "emergent properties" like biology and the mind behind psychology etc, causes epistemological distinctions. That means in how the phenomena is recognized with conceptual names and their processes for knowledge systems.
All that fancy clarity comes thanks to the historical sociological contemplative method with empiricism, that underlies "science" itself, and centers back on the origins of "science" in the University-based community with multiple disciplines, called the "liberal arts and sciences," that use empiricism. Newton didn´t just call the Royal Society, because scientists were self-sustaining. He read up works from the combined networks centered on University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism and the mathematical and natural philosophers like Descartes.
Who go back to the pivotal monk Thomas Aquinas at the U of Paris who took Aristotle´s esoteric First Cause, made a powerful argument indicating the incoherence of empirical infinity in the real world beyond abstraction (or Divine transcendence), along with his deductive reasoning axioms for God like the one from motion.
Ez Ro
@ Mark Rego Monteiro
If you put as much time and thought into study as you do deflection, you would be enlightened and enlightening.
Ez Ro
@Mark Young
And all organization is indicative of INTELLIGENCE
Mark Rego Monteiro
@Ez Ro Yeah, too bad attitude doesn´t give you ground to stand on, as you respond to me and my presentation. That´s the substance here that you try to slip in your pocket. When a holy man meets a pickpocket, the pickpocket picks his own pocket, no matter where his hand started. And gets the chance to appreciate value in more than coins. God is real, God´s love through Jesus is real. Jesus´ legacy in interfaith society is real. And when a seeker becomes a holy man and deals with the unscrupulous, here´s how that goes:
Frankly, your expressing yourself using the words "deflection" and "enlightened" get evaluated by the old goodies of philosophical truth that makes Christianity capable of honoring Jesus as Savior in structured pluralism with interfaith master collaboration with the likes of the Buddha.
When you say, "deflection," you mean, "I don´t really get it, and it sounds hard to understand." When you say "enlightened", you mean "I think I get it, so I´m going to do some ad hom like I do."
As for your comment on "organization," physical reality that science does study legitimately, does actually raise the real question that confuses and deludes them, and others in all kinds of related ways, including yourself in an opposite extreme.
And I went over this with you previously, without your actually getting it, clearly. You just leaped to your enjoyment of joining a meme´s ridiculing "randomness." That´s not how communicating about the truth works, with logical coherence and correspondence to reality, and grasping the importance of philosophy, not attitude alone. I have both, by the way.
The issue isn´t just organization, since scientists are coherent when they say, "It´s all just a multiverse." No God necessary. They get pretty far if they control the conversation. And your posture of "organization is INTELLIGENCE" is more a reflection of the profiteers funding literalists, but who are actually economic materialists putting everything into the commodified handbasket to Hell.
So, the fact that perceiving organization requires people with minds who can cooperate sufficiently to study the Universe didn´t just happen because of ancient Greek natural philosophers like Thales and Socrates´ legacy in Aristotle. Their culture was dying out with the pagan Romans. Their multiple accomplishments on paper required Jesus´ legacy with his 2 loving Commandments, teachings AND suffering to Resurrection and apostolic legacy to get to Thomas Aquinas to show how to Christianize ancient Greek philosophy to make empiricism and modern philosophy.
Ma Yo
Ez Ro
What has that got to do with the conversation
To Sit
Ma Yo
when did you see your mind ?
Ma Yo
To Sit
Do you mean brain?
Because the mind is a byproduct of the brain. 💁
Mark Rego Mon
Ma Yo You´re actually making TS´s point. You try to reduce the human mind to the brain, but can only do it in denial and by ignoring reality.
Freud didn´t make his landmark breakthrough´s in psychology because of a microscope. He was just a tecchie neuropathologist when he ran into patients reporting pain without organic wounds or disease. Freud went to Paris to study with Charcot et al and learn some relaxation and visualization techniques. Back in Vienna, he didn´t pull out the microscope, but a notepad as he sat, helped his human patients relax, and asked them to think about their pain and talk about it. That began to heal them. Freud studied his notes, not slide samples to develop his psychological concepts of "ego" and "id" (the "I" and "it"), along with the healing process of "abreaction (emotional reconnection)" and "catharsis" reflecting the trauma associated with emotional repression.
Human symbol using has tool-related and communication-related major areas of use, involving the reality of "Mind over Matter." Human individuals can understand themselves in ways that allow them to ignore and override their biological impulses. Pushing on to conduct an all-nighter is a modern context. Shamanic relating to transcendent reality that generated the Judeo-Christian supershamanic tradition, and Jesus´ legacy and its interfaith needs in structured pluralism are at least two other angles of what might be tentatively posited as human shamanic behavior. Or perhaps spiritual-religious is the more appropriate major category of human behavior, phenomena, and its knowledge factors.
It is those dynamics that reflect the empirical demonstrations of shamanic healing by the Great Spirit, as medically attested, medically impossible healing correlated with spiritual-religious testimony, as in L Mehl-Madrona MD´s books like Coyote Medicine, part of the new multi-cultural level in Jesus´ legacy that centers around the even more accessible healing through Christian spiritual practice, as in OC Simonton MD´s work and more. Human minds, exceeding their physical biological foundations and achieving energetic types of healing. Except that "energy" is itself physical, and isn´t a sufficient conceptual framework. Holographic technology gets a few steps closer in its informational paradigm, but is still material. Spiritual-religious healing testimony goes further in combining the human mental faculties of memory, psychosocial and transpersonal relationship, emotional awareness, ecological awareness, and in Christianity´s legacy for Jesus, the direct relationship over generations through Jesus the self-identifying and prophecied Son of God and Man teaching God the Creator´s parental love and accessibility to people who seek.
All of which goes beyond any one brain, and goes with in fact a whole lot of visible evidence that requires interpretation by minds. Then a person can catch up to the terms already translated in the Bible as "the mind of Christ," Bishop Berkeley´s "mind of God," and James Frederick Ferrier´s metaphysical analaogy argument for God based on the need for a Divine Mind in relation to the existence of the Universe itself.
Ma Yo
Mark Rego Monteiro
Guess what, we have advanced since Freud.
We have far more advanced ways of telling pathologies.
We have machines that can see the brains function and see where it's not going normally.
You speak from.over 150 years ago.
Keep up with the times and stop thinking that your the only one who has done research
Ma Yo
Mark Rego Monteiro
And FYI, you've said nothing about damage to the brain causing damage to the mind.
Just ramblings from authority....old authority
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma Yo Oh my. Yeah, the materialistic anachronistic fallacy assumes that the passage of time invalidates all things old. That´s a fallacy, and you got your timeframe wrong. Freud´s pioneering and key work was 1896, as far as that goes. And on you go, dropping balls as easy as it is to mix and match words unempirically. Indeed, "we" have advanced since Freud, yet you confuse the meaning of that very reality in your ideological filtering. Empirical reality isn´t your projection. Having machines that identify brain functions is a different phenomena and knowledge system, that exists still in the physical scientific area. It doesn´t invalidate the realm opened up by Freud not merely in therapeutic psychological study and approaches. You deviated into the physical, as usual in denial of and ignoring the relevant areas of Freud´s diverging proteges like Jung, Reich, Assagioli, and Rank and colleagues like Adler, who developed psychotherapeutic techniques elaborating on various aspects of Freud, with the Rank-Rogers-Rosenberg line especially clear about the psychosocial system of emotions, also recognized by Alice Miller and John Bradshaw in their various contexts. Even the DMS has advanced in ways that reflect the psychosocial qualities of mind, handled in terms of human communication and interaction, not brainscans or pharmacology. RD Laing can represent a movement developed to oppose reductionists in that field and the like who have tried to be as reductionist as you.
And your claim to having done "research" falls itself into a projection fallacy. If you want to claim to do research, you should actually check your details first of all. It is, however, not even just research. You just missed the ball on the subject of epistemics and epistemology, the areas of phenomena and knowledge. Brainscans don´t address the issues of the material contained in psychologists notepads that they have used to identify the psychological and emotional empirical factors: needs, operating beliefs, feelings, and so on.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma Yo "Damage to the brain and mind" is another category. That´s not in question, although it involves additional points. Your continuing reductionist ideologizing simply remains ignorant of things like the spiritual-religious phenomenon that made Mother Theresa a Catholic saint. A patient with brain tumors was healed in connection to an item recalling Theresa, resulting in a medically attested, medically impossible healing with spiritual-religious testimony. Standard medical records don´t note such accessory patient information, although there is a movement associated with the Medical Humanities to address such issues, and schools and Medical Centers like Harvard have instituted Spiritual and Religious components in their services. Social Workers, on the other hand, operate in terms of patients as people with their psychosocial experiences. Your ideology, based on one or more forms of ideological materialism, is simply insufficient to deal honestly with empirical reality.
That´s what a mind capable of grasping the full empirical scope of phenomena relevant to this very site needs to address without your kind of denialism and fallacies.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Does Accepting Jesus As Your Personal Savior Save You? Yeah? Who Told You That In The First Place?
Meme Post: Accepting Jesus as your personal savior doesn´t save you. Realizing you need to change by becoming self-aware and compassionate does.
Almost. See, yet this phrasing doesn´t quite make the necessary connection. Jesus does matter. I love the Buddha and Buddhism, after starting an interfaith path thanks to scholar Huston Smith´s description of the Chinese Tao and Unitarian Universalism´s validating respectful spiritual paths.
Yet, all of that became subject to my educational values, and their origin. Buddha teaches a "doctrine of the non-existence of self." Progressives of all kinds treat Jesus as subordinate to "the science" and let the fundamentalists scare them away from things like spiritual healing.
Jesus´ teaching to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and to "take the plank out of your own eye..." are powerful parts of the reasons why I could realize that the Buddha wasn´t "perfect" in his amazing enlightenment, and why my love of psychology and its discoveries as part of a well-rounded education all led me to appreciate activism against profiteering businesspeople´s creation everywhere of unsustainable lifestyles that violate human rights.
Psychosomatic medicine is part of the educational system, and validates not just "the science", but the importance of well-rounded education, and actually the full scope of liberal arts and sciences, that needs to be elevated to interrelate knowledge. Multidisciplinary Philosophy with empiricism is the thing that does that.
Jesus needs to be reclaimed from fundamentalists, who are actually funded by profiteering businesspeople in the first place. The way to reclaim Jesus fully is to recognize that things like the UN human rights and US Civil Rights are not just random developments by nice guys. FD Roosevelt was influenced by the Social Gospel of W Gladden et al, and Jefferson recognized Jesus as the "greatest moral teacher of all time." At least, in his Deist Christianity.
I gained important clarity working with Buddhism before engaging with Christianity in the modern context and in search of spiritual integrity. Reclaiming Jesus, and God through Jesus, and how that grounds modern structured UN human rights pluralism is not optional, because Jesus and all masters and all people are unique and not subject to mere equivalencies. There is a real problem of unsustainability and human rights violations, despite the UN´s being founded. And the source is in the very juggernaut that produced FDR. The US-led profiteering corporate businesspeople´s model has unleashed itself, and people need touches of clarity and courage to make the necessary shifts to sustainable and just lifestyles. Food co-op stores are one of my favorite simple examples, along with credit union local community co-op banks.
Our ultimate courage in resisting the impulses to buy the most advertised Big Biz brand for a local or Fair Trade type version is part of a spiritual process and practice that gets centered by Jesus, and restores us to the power of God. That´s how subtle things have gotten, and why "free will" is part of that subtle distinction. The profiteers are using their college educations in many cases, and that is what has been used to fabricate unsustainable ideologies.
Bringing God back from the symbolic and mythic into the reality of spiritual-religious practice, experience and phenomena like spiritual healing for progressives and sustainable justice activist lifestyles to avoid the origin of Social Europe´s leap to its advanced pro-eco-social market democracies. WW II, to be clear. Or, the equivalent of WW III being what we´re trying to avoid.
Friday, August 12, 2022
Are Eastern Religions Universal or just Academic? An Indian Guy´s Question
Rowdy-Rohan greenpeaceRdale1844coop • 16 hours ago
Do you see anything universal in Asian philsophies and faiths or is it simply academic. Can you apply satyagraha, nirvana, dharma to every day life of Americans or modern western history and how these aspects would have changed history?
have you read E Michael Jones books or heard his videos on the Holocaust and if you have what is your take on him
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greenpeaceRdale1844coop Rowdy-Rohan • 12 minutes ago
First of all, you use the terms "universal" and "academic" with certain associations, some limiting. For clarity´s sake, I am responding based on my recognition that the modern culture conceptual discussion is based on University-based
philosophical scholarship with empiricism. "Science", which is actually scientific natural philosophy, has become a highly visible and somewhat distorted subset of that. The US drew on diverse European resources to develop the atomic bombs in WWII, used them against Japan in the magnitude of the conflict, and established a primary example of how "science"-related technology can be said to have developed the world´s most destructive kind of weapon.
And it has spread. Throughout Asia, to speak geographically. Because of its power. But, underlying that is the University-based system of education, which is in fact philosophial scholarship with empiricism. Moreover, not only scientific natural philosophy is involved, but popular terms like "democracy" and "free markets" with their ideological misrepresentations and their empirical, philosophical realities.
University-based education with empiricism, however, underlies the truths of all of that. And its own normally disguised truth as having origins in Christian monastic spiritual practice, developed from ancient Greek philosophy as spiritual practice. It is illuminating, moreover, to be clear about the monk Thomas Aquinas´ role as identifying "infinity" as an abstraction and unempirical, and not of the real world. That, along with his philosophical formulation from motion of God as First Cause. In the context of Jesus´ role, teachings with spiritual practice, and his legacy.
That is the key knowledge-based framework that I was operating in back in high school when I read scholar Huston Smith´s World Religions book, and appreciated his description of the Chinese Tao at first. I also appreciated Unitarian Universalist interfaith´s support of spiritual paths.
Thus, your question relates to phenomena operating at multiple levels. First of all, whatever strengths Asian philosophies and spiritual-religious traditions have, it was European merchants, soldiers, and politicians using Christianity´s University-based fruits in Jesus´ legacy that colonized the world. And opened up Japan, that recognized the power of University-based education.
The timing and events around WWII are all important to grasping the different levels that are in operation across cultures in affecting people´s minds.
Like European colonialism reflected human bio-psycho-social tendencies, it has gone with ideological materialism that permit objectifying situations. FD Roosevelt´s Christian Social Gospel vision and legacy proposing the UN and human rights then established a highly moral secular materialist form of international quasi-governance, or at least, standards of conduct.
That supplements, and extends, the framework of University-based philosophical scholarship, as forms of communication and interaction. You say, "academic," in a way that subordinates University-based practices, as if it is less than real world effectiveness.
Thus, Buddhism has universal insights, but is centered around its own limiting factors. Buddhism certainly spread naturally in history, and has some important popularity in the West already. Yet, it is secularized Christian structures that form the mainline structures for knowledge development, communication, and interaction standards.
I find Buddhism essential to my orienting to spiritual practice with depth of integrity for personal growth as an interfaith Christian . The Four Noble Truths, for example, and the goal of nirvana. That gave me powerful insights as I researched Christian history itself, and learned about Christian monasticism and Anthony of the Desert´s own demonstration of what became called "divinization/theosis." Gandhi´s demonstration of satyagraha at least involved Gandhi´s applying the orientation of the likes of the dissident high integrity Christian Thoreau et al. Yet, Thoreau was somehow co-existing with the abolition anti-slavery movement and Quaker-Friend Christianity´s remarkable developments, led in being co-founded by George Fox in the 1600s.
Thus, in taking Gandhi´s interfaith Christian Hinduism and satyagraha, we can understand its relationship more or less directly with a full range of phenomena in Christian culture in the first place. The abolition anti-slavery movement initiated modern social movements and Civil Society, and that is what I have been mentioning to you represented by Right Livelihood Award winners of all kinds, including India´s Colin Goncalves, LAFTI, Swami Agnivesh, and the prominent Vandana Shiva. She may have won a RLA also. Ela Bhatt who founded SEWA also comes to mind.
So, yes, I do see the Asian philosophies as having universal qualities. However, it is Jesus´ legacy in University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism and societal innovations that have established the standardizing frameworks that can operate non-violently. Gandhi´s example illuminates various qualities, including the relevance of spiritual practice hard to see in Western culture. The Quaker-Friends were involved in the founding of Greenpeace, and John Muir in founding the Sierra Club,, but secular materialism has significant influence in their image and conduct. I´ve found it necessary to define spiritual-religious phenomena, since materialistic tendencies have simply been trapped by compartmentalizing and reductionism. Defining Multidisciplinary Philosophy with empiricism, too.
Buddha and Gandhi both have served as important guides for me to consider in identifying those two key conceptual innovations that I ´ve had to make. They are related to some published insights, but are otherwise significant and unique. Pantanjali´s Yoga, Morihei Ueshiba´s aikido, too, have been helpful.
Lao Tzu and Taoism, also, in fact. Tai chi and qi gong as part of that. "Science" has identified brain wave and brainscan data to identify meditative and prayerful states, yet it is the Eastern / Asian traditions that provide powerful human systemic examples.
How they would have changed history? Study the history of comparative religious studies, and observe that a foundation has been established for what is in fact necessary for a saving history and the future. UN reports demonstrate a catastrophic combination of human rights abuses and unsustainable industrial socioeconomic process underway.
Asian practices and philosophies have powerful elements, but not an interactive framework. Secularized Christianity has provided the interactional framework, and needs infusions of the spiritual-religious insights of Asian/Eastern spiritual-religious practices and their insightful elements.
Thus, I have been learning about how Catholic missionaries studied things like Confucius, which was recognized by the atheist scholar Christian Wolff in the 1700s already in Germany. Great Britain´s Wm Jones established the Asia Society around 1790 as a major step in cultural studies. Franz Boff was an important early scholar, among others. Thoreau, in some relation to Emerson, was also studying Hinduism. Emerson developed the idea of Oversoul as an alternative idea about God.
I don´t know that I´ve heard of EM Jones. The Holocaust is part of Nazi Germany´s rise, at the same time as Japan´s imperial militarism and Stalinist Soviet Communism, along with US industrial corporate profiteering businesspeople which caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
So, I relate all this around University-based educational culture, ie philosophical scholarship with empiricism, and how Jesus´ legacy in spiritual practice and phenomena relates to the rise of modern social movements in the sequence of Luther´s inspiring the Reformation and George Fox´s leading the co-founding of the Quaker Friends in Great Britain. The American Revolution with Jefferson et al´s ending absolute monarchy with constitutional democracy and Civil Rights coincides with the rise of the modern abolition anti-slavery movement. The co-operative pro-social business movement, also, was founded by workingpeople in the UK in the 1840s. The efforts in comparative cultural and religious studies led to the 1893 Chicago World Parliament of Religions, organized by Bonney and Barrows. The US Social Gospel initiated as pro-labor by Washington Gladden in 1877 is also key there, creating a thread to FD Roosevelt. All of that is where Gandhi´s satyagraha ultimately fits in. "Dharma" represents the need for practice, and the cause-effect nature of moral law, and illuminates all manner of these events now interrelated through the study of human psychology, sociology, and international relations.
The Holocaust primarily involved the transition in Germany from monarchy to secular democracy, based around their intense secularized University enriched culture, with minimal international colonialism. Now, that phenomena "vented" sociohistorically, Greenpeace represents one Civil Society group that has been taken up intensively throughout Germany. Germans have some appreciation for Eastern religions, and so it is through that lens that further insights need to develop. Comparative Religious Studies is a multidisciplinary subject that allows for the comprehensive grasping of the issues involved. That is simply necessary in the face of ideological materialism´s three rather treacherous forms: scientific, secular, and economic.
If you are obsessing about the Holocaust, I can share that I certainly benefited in studying Hitler´s psychology and the anthropological meaning of the Nuremberg Rallies. That is no less related to Aztec human sacrifices and cannibalism. If European brutality intrigues you, the history of European wars, including Luther´s inspired Reformation, are full of bloodshed. The Battle of Lepanto in the 1570s was part of the chronology of Muslim-European Christian conflict, with the 1683 Siege of Vienna the last in Europe. WWI is also not to be neglected, as it resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
All that technical knowledge needs to satisfy a person´s capacity for military realism. It is at the same time, however, that psychological insight becomes necessary, along with that of social movements. Satyagraha, nirvana, and dharma are important correlates to psychology, anthropology, and sociology perhaps most of all, with political science and economics actually reflecting those primary subjects. Again, the Right Livelihood Award now serves an important role in identifying further key actors in social movements in the UN human rights world community that is in Jesus´, and then FD Roosevelt´s legacy negotiated with the world as it led to decolonization and reorientation to the potential of University-based society. I refer to spiritual modernization as the process needed in secularized Christianity, with Eastern and indigenous traditions offering powerful resources in the study of phenomena and developing knowledge about practices through experience.
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