A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Toxic UU Humanist Scientism Point Blank
Me: This is clearly a major issue that UUism led as an innovative org of its kind, a century or so after the US´s Freedom of Religion. It´s larger contexts are something I am exploring because "Science" has emerged as the swaggering force, and anti-theist Scientism materialism going so far as to try to call God a delusion and religion childish and deluded, as well, if no the root of all evil. I was just reading that the Humanist Manifesto of the 1930s proclaimed Scientism, basically. That becomes an issue in conjunction with the anti-environmental and anti-social economic ideology that represents US-led corporate executives. There is a whole anti-nature ideology, Transhumanism, that serves what boils down to some corporate technophile component of that interest group. Getting clear about assumptions is a task. I studied and thought deeply already in college, and lived thoughtfully as I explored and sought with some flexible diversity in NYC, with visits and stints elsewhere. While eco-biology gave me insight into environmentalism, and work knocking on doors with Nader-legacy PIRGs (like Obama, no less) informed me about the need to organize citizens, my own emotional anxieties hit me hard iin girlfriend relationships. My spiritual interest began with some Taoist dabbling and Kung fu, and Self-help Psychology and Anthropology. All told, psychological and spiritual terminology and responsibility create a language that bridges the egotism that leads people to bang heads, stereotype, and disconnect defensively. In UUism, nobody has to do anything. However, the principles and sources do make up the community and justify projects. I live abroad at the moment far from any congregation, but I´m writing a book with one possible title Seeking the Liberal God Playing Shao Lin Baseball. The only way to establish a common and mutually intelligible understanding to motivate action and overcome massive denialism and inaction in multiple forms is with multidisciplinary and empirically-based self-expression. After all, cats love catnip.
FB UUFoF J C H using the 1930's HM to bash 2020 science is like using a 1930's newspaper to bash 2020 democracy.
Me @ J C H Well, I´ll grant you that cloudy thinking in 2020 is more dangerous than it ever was. Frankly, FDR´s Christian service ethics making him a "traitor to his class" very much puts 2020 "democracy" in a disgraceful light, following the 1% Powell Memo-Reagan Reaction and Clinton Corp Dem ingestion of same. Obama´s flimsiness around his Green Jobs Czar doesn´t bode well even if Sanders gets in. Good to get cloudy thinking straight on all that. Here, allow me to follow through on the "2020 science" bit.. Dawkins and Co the New Atheists very currently espouse the materialistic Scientism ideology of that 1930s HM. Your own equating Scientism with Science is, well, just like Rev S Wilberforce saying T Huxley´s grandfather was a shameful monkey. Sustainability challenged views glorifying "2020 Science" are in fact based on the scientific method, and requires clear thinking as much as ever. The razzle-dazzle of the Higgs boson and smartphones reflect what is actually Empirical Scientific Philosophy practiced by very morality challenged human beings. Razzle-dazzle US Science is largely a woefully divided community, largely a prisoner of the profiteering corp executives most of whom minimize sustainability reports like the 2005 World Bank-UNEP Eco Assessment with scientists doing their bidding, not that of the Union of Concerned Scientists, for example. As for Scientism, that´s what happens when science fans think they can run roughshod wherever they ride their GM Corvair. Look out, it´s Ralph Nader and Al Gore, crash! That is, Scientism is the misapplication of Scientific Philosophy to phenomena. Heliocentric Physics, Bio Evolution, and 1930s nor 2020 science disprove the knowledge domains of Introspective Philosophy, Therapeutic Psychology, the Anthropology of Shamanism, Psychosomatic Medicine, Comparative Religion, etc, nor spiritual-religious experience, the Historical Sociology of Christian Western Civilization, and so on. Corporate control priorities are already eclipsing DVD tech, no less. A Huxley wrote a book with a famous title about ominous trends like that, Brave New World.
J C H I really don't think you are helping yourself nor our world, and I don't think you are worth my time.
Me @ J C H Oh my. I just closed with a Brave New World reference and treated you like Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, and Cornel West playing Zorro on your outlandish version of "Bill Gates/Nye" and Mel Brooks, and you can´t even try to justify a "2020" new and improved "Science alone is progress" logic? Nope, not a drop. Is this really UUism with principles and sources transcending Scientism? A mere defensive expression of hostile anti-intellectual judgmentalism, as if unable to deal with the issues, with what is then mere ideological conformist intolerance and belligerence the comfort zone. How does one evaluate such an unconstructive, untenable, emotionally shallow, mean-spirited egotism masquerading as a viewpoint adequately? If only you had demonstrated thoughtfulness and consideration in a well-informed reflection and comment, the value of my time would have been amplified. As it is, I move on recalling wise words about eagles and turkeys, and UU´s abandoned founding father Jesus, "Clean the cup within" and his legacy in Rosenberg´s NVC, It sounds like you feel resentment because of your needs on top of feeling manipulated and overwhelmed by shallow mechanistic Scientism ideologues and profiteers. People´s family of origins et al included. That must have felt sad and scary, originally and where it lies repressed deep down. Yeah, I know that feeling, too. We all have to face it sooner or later if we want to grow up for a sustainable world. Clearly Source 4 about "God´s love" prompts the question, What would Emerson and Hosea Ballou say? The love revealed by Jung, J Campbell, Alice Miller, et al and etc to singers like The Police´s Sting dwells in Buddhist Right Effort and Meditation and honors Christ in Matthew and John. Tarzan yell for Gandhi´s God as transcendent and immanent Creator of the Yin-Yang.
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