A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Deism? Philosophy? Absolute Universalism?
Current scientific models give us tremendous insight into how the universe began, how it works, and into the origins of humankind. These models, however, also have significant gaps and cannot explain the root cause of many scientific observations. Why did the Big Bang happen? How and why do the fundamental forces work? How and why do the elementary particles exist? How did consciousness evolve? What is consciousness? We at best have only incomplete answers to these questions.
These gaps and unanswered questions leave room for belief in things that exist beyond the material world. Moreover, the inherent limitations of our senses, our scientific instruments, and our brains leaves open the possibility that there are realities that exist outside the material world with which we are familiar and that we are incapable of perceiving or understanding. But within the realm of our perception and experience, materialism and the scientific method are clearly the superior way of understanding the world. Where claims derived from religious belief and from materialism have clashed, the evidence has almost always overwhelmingly resolved the contradiction against the religious claim. In spite of all of the questions still unanswered by science, the scientific method has time and again conclusively refuted and contradicted many previous cosmological “truths” espoused by the world’s religions. Furthermore, our perceptions, actions, and thoughts all seem to take place in a material world, and no one has provided any credible, conclusive evidence to contradict this.1....
I have discussed three possibilities relative to god’s existence and his relationship to humankind, but I have wrestled for a long time to come to my own conclusion on the issue. I go with with third possibility: there is a god, but we are either not able to understand him very well or he is intentionally withholding communication from us because he wants us to figure things out for ourselves. In arriving at my belief in god, I have two key questions: 1) Does god exist? and 2) Does any religion’s teachings about god accurately describe god? My answer to the first question is yes, god exists. My answer to the second question is no, there is no religion that accurately describes him.
As an empirical question, it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of god as he is described by the monotheistic faiths (how do you prove or disprove the existence of an invisible, all-powerful, all-knowing being who is present everywhere at once? No one has yet figured out a way to falsify these claims). Further compounding the problem is that every religion’s conception of god, as well as the agnostics’ and atheists’, make many contrasting, unproved, and unprovable assumptions about the nature and the very concept of god. How can we prove the existence of god if our very concept of god is suspect? We cannot meaningfully discuss the question of god’s existence if we do not even have a coherent definition of what god is. Since many different faiths and teachers have put forward contradictory and mutually exclusive purported revelations about god, and because personal feelings are not a trustworthy guide to discerning their truth, the only basis we have for evaluating the truth of any revelation is on the authority of the person making the claim and we therefore have no independent means of determining which claims about god are correct.
Because of these problems, I do not claim to have a good definition of god or to understand who he is. But my theism is still rooted in rationality. Much like William James, my theism is rooted entirely in pragmatic concerns. Just as there is a relationship between well-being and religiosity, there is also a relationship between belief in god and well-being. People who perceive having a close connection to god have lower rates of depression and loneliness and greater rates of self-esteem, self-rated health, and psychological adjustment in response to major life stressors.2 Attachment theorists hypothesize that believers on god can look to him “as a safe haven, a being who offers caring and protection in times of stress” and that this attachment leads believers to “experience greater comfort in stressful situations and greater strength and confidence in everyday life.”3 Indeed, people who “report a closer connection to god experience a number of health-related benefits: less depression and higher self-esteem, less loneliness, greater relational maturity, and greater psychosocial competence.”4 A secure relationship with god is tied to “better self-rated health and better psychological adjustment among people facing a variety of major life stressors.”5 These effects are greater than the effects associated with measures of religiosity or spirituality, and they have not been explained by nonreligious factors.6
People who believed in god who were being treated for depression had greater reductions in depression and self-harm and great improvements in psychological well-being than disbelievers.7 In a 2013 study of ninety-two countries, there was a positive relationship between a person’s happiness (and life satisfaction) and the self-reported level of importance of god in that person’s life, relative to the average level of faith in that person’s country (but the authors found that some of this relationship was explained by a culture’s level of preference for uncertainty avoidance).8 Among stroke victims, spiritual belief was positively correlated with better mental health (but not with better physical health).9
A meta-analysis of studies that examined the relationship between religious involvement and mortality found that greater religious involvement is associated with greater odds of survival.10 People who perceive having a close connection to god have lower rates of depression and loneliness and greater rates of self-esteem, self-rated health, and psychological adjustment in response to major life stressors.11
Based on what we can measure about belief in god, deciding on theism makes the most sense. Observable results show that theists are happier, healthier, and more moral. If the question of god’s existence is fundamentally unprovable, but belief in him brings such positive results, then the rational response (if your goal is to maximize your well-being and moral behavior) is to believe in god. Thus, I choose to believe. But when a religious teaching or claim is internally contradictory, irrational, immoral, or otherwise similarly absurd, then I choose to reject that teaching or claim, or even that teacher, rather than reject belief in god.
My belief in god is a kind of deism. I believe in a god who does not usually actively intervene in the world, he is a being who has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with its natural laws. I believe that he has given (or allowed us to develop) the ability to love and to observe, learn, and reason and to use these things to figure things out for ourselves. Is god personal? impersonal? a physical being? infinite and incomprehensible, existing outside of time and space? Is god the sum total of all that exists in the universe, thus making each of us a part of god? I do not know. I believe in a higher power with whom I can commune and communicate, but who puts me in total control of my actions, who does not act to change the course of my life. I pray to god to express my gratitude and my goals and desires, but I do not pray for miracles. I believe that the outcomes of my life are the result of my actions, natural laws, random chance, and the choices of others, and I believe that bad things happen for the same reasons.
And most importantly, I do not think any less, or any more highly of someone whether that person believes in god or not. The universal inconsistency, inaccuracy, and ambiguity of human institutions and teachers in religion and spiritual matters shows to me that if there is a god, he is not much concerned with whether we believe in him or not or correctly understand him. The most consistent thing we see across the teachings of religions is that we love others and follow the Golden Rule, and from this I believe that this is what god is most concerned with. I am universalist—I believe that most religions have some truth to them, but that none of them have all truth. I believe that god does not care which church you belong to, if you belong to one, or even if you believe in him. I think he cares about whether you are using your capacity for thought and reason to seek wisdom and your capacity to act to do good and work to make the world better. Whether or not you believe in god and whether or not you go to church, so long as you are doing those three things, then I think that god approves of you. On the other hand, based on the benefits of religion and theism, I think it would be rational to try out religion and theism to see what they can do for you, and to see if they help you on your path to wisdom, goodness, and hope.
I admit, my simple belief in god and religion leaves open many questions about life, existence, and the supernatural. Those questions are important, and I do think about them a lot. I have found no good answers, though, nor have I found anyone else who has good answers. The lack of those certain answers, though, is not a reason to reject the good that comes from theism and religion. I think the Buddha’s parable in the Cula-Malunkyovada Sutta is highly relevant:
It is just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends and companions, kinsmen and relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, “I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a priest, a merchant, or a worker.” He would say, “I won’t have this arrow removed until I know the given name and clan name of the man who wounded me . . . until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short. . . until I know whether he was dark, ruddy-brown, or golden-colored. . . until I know his home village, town, or city. . . until I know whether the bow with which I was wounded was a long bow or a crossbow. . . until I know whether the bowstring with which I was wounded was fiber, bamboo threads, sinew, hemp, or bark. . . until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was wild or cultivated. . . until I know whether the feathers of the shaft with which I was wounded were those of a vulture, a stork, a hawk, a peacock, or another bird. . . until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was bound with the sinew of an ox, a water buffalo, a langur, or a monkey.” He would say, “I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was that of a common arrow, a curved arrow, a barbed, a calf-toothed, or an oleander arrow.” The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him.12
Our time on this earth is limited. I do not think it makes much sense to reject religion and theism—even if we do not understand what they mean or how they work—if they can help us to act more morally and be healthier and happier. Do not worry so much about first getting the answers to all of life’s questions, there are more important things to focus on first. Instead, worry about removing the arrows of hate, selfishness, hypocrisy, ignorance, foolishness, evil, and despair from your life. The evidence shows that religion and theism can help you do that. And that is good enough.
Thanks for your extensive post. I experience myself as highly fluent advanced beginner in the issues you discuss. I had an early interest in Psychology, and now assert the value of interdisciplinarity and General Systems Theory as key foundations. Your deism clearly reflects rationalism and its experiential limits. I might make a simple suggestion of considering the value of Transpersonal Therapeutic Psychology like John Bradshaw, Ann W Schaef, and the Recovery Movement, as well as Christian Science and Quakerism. I see you refer to the “Golden Rule,” but the use and meaning of “love” is not marginal in Jesus´ life, mission, and message, but much more significant as in Louise Hay´s teachings and Christian Science´s body of written testimonies, including founder Mary Baker Eddy. I have experienced at least one significant “miracle” of unexplainable protection of me and my family in an armed robbery, among other variants. Given your extensive philosophical work, albeit it “pragmatic,” I see a contrast with my own practical experience in social services, socio-eco justice activism, and a masters in IR-sustainability. I might suggest the lives of Mary Collson (Unitarian, Hull House, Christian Science), FDR, Gandhi, Fanny Lou Hamer (co-op economics), and Al Gore as figures to weigh in relation to your positions. The view that “no one else has good answers” and “all religions promote love” strikes me as undiscerning and an inadequate evaluation of Jesus and his legacy (pluralistic and eclectic as it can be understood now under modern conditions). The significance relates to the reality and threat of unsustainability, and the resonance necessary to assert Jesus´ role and truth along with that of others´ like the Buddha and God as Creator and Supplier. That reminds me that WL Craig´s Kalam Cosmo argument haunts me, as does Lao Tzu´s Tao Te Ching Ch 1, in conjunction then with Mary Baker Eddy´s best views. Oh, and Unitarian Universalism, although in a form with my explicit Historical Sociological argument for Jesus´ exceptional and pivotal role in a team given Western globalization´s de facto, if unresolved and needy, conquest of the planet´s people. All the best, and blessings i God through Jesus, Buddha, et al.
Friday, February 28, 2020
"Spirituality is not Knowledge" says the Math Junkie
Edr youtube
@G P me "Spiritualism" is not knowledge. It's projecting human emotions on a clearly indifferent universe.
G P me
@Edr First of all, that´s "spirituality," not "spiritualism" in this context. As for "knowledge" and the "clearly indifferent Universe," you´re confusing the Physical Sciences with Epistemological Philosophy.
The "clearly indifferent Universe" strangely includes Eco-Biology and Therapeutic Psychology´s emotional dynamics that are part of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychosomatic Medicine. In Experimental Psychology, Harlow´s baby monkeys suffered without maternal attention and socialization, and he determinedly stated his position that the term "love" is appropriate. Monkeys aren´t quite as cold as the Kelvin scale and "indifference," and have not actually been excluded from this Universe. And if you try to use the term "projection" for emotions, you know, you have already left Physics, and are projecting a mechanistic view of Scientism on Psychology´s realm and human emotions. Do you know that even atheist Freud identified "abreaction" and "catharsis"? Do you use a preconceived ideology to deny Carl Jung´s perception of dreams and coincidental events that he called Synchronicity? Have you studied medically recorded events labeled "spontaneous remission" like Harvard´s J Rediger MD and Kelly Turner PhD? All for starters. Yeah, "knowledge" is a kicker, bro. Yeah, amazing how FDR did his leadership without caving in. Oh yeah, he didn´t thank Einstein or Newton for America´s dynamic democracy. He thanked Religion and Christianity which took down Nazi values and kept USSR atheism alive. Yeah, FDR projected his human emotions from Jesus into the history books, all right. Oh, better look up "Epistemology," or how many Physics books FDR talked about. That´s grunt work, to be blunt. And Scientism, to wake you up a bit.
@G P me Sorry. I'm so ignorant of spooky stuff I don't know the words.
Your second paragraph is raving nonsense.
G P me
@Edr Well, you got the ignorant part right, and show how you let Scientism cloud your mind, since the basic point remains that the concept of emotional projection is not a stand alone concept. You´ve got to learn the non- "woo" of the Social Sciences like Therapeutic Psychology in the first place. As for spirituality and religion, "the spooky stuff," start with what Science, or its most similar version in Psychology, has been able to do, demonstrate that meditation and prayer benefit cognitive functions. My analysis and portrayal of FDR, what you ad hom, is more of your own uncomprehending projection. That´s where the razzle-dazzle of Sci-tech leaves you dead in the water and just eating your fast food and piss-water mass market beer. The US govt wastes 50+% of its budget on unsustainable and self-destructive military spending, and you are fine example of an escapist anti-theist. And meanwhile, unsustainable Big Biz feeds the Fundamentalists. Better look up Epistemology, like already suggested, dead-in-the-water guy. That´s where dead ducks get stuck.
@G P Your post is largely meaningless.
@G P me The quality of beer has nothing to do with the existence or nonexistence of the supernatural.
@Edr It has everything to do with identifying what level you operate on. Right now you haven´t said anything remotely knowledgable beyond your first comment or two. Go drink your beer, or go read a relevant book. Fritjof Capra and Stanley Jaki are my recommendations in the Epistemologically right direction, or biologist Stephen Jay Gould on "magisteria." Joseph Campbell´s "Hero" work is good, too. Meanwhile, I do all this to honor what made my modern education and well-rounded spirit of learning possible, God through Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and M Ueshiba.
G P me
@Edr Your vacuous comments put you at high school or college freshman level and a conformist tool. That´s no way to talk to your betters, except that you need to be put in your place and get a well-rounded education. Go drink your beer, kid, and leave the "spooky stuff" to those who aren´t ignorant about spirituality. That´s the term you don´t have a clue about, and you clearly don´t give sh*t about my scholarship and wisdom. But go tell a Trump supporter what you think over that cheap beer and let them teach you a lesson from the wrong end of the horse.
@G P me You're (ad hom del) defending nonexistent intuitions. The supernatural is a fantasy.
@G P me Anything that mathematical physics can't describe does not exist.
@G P (Ad hom del), what evidence do you have for the supernatural?
@G P Google "naturalized epistemology. Read that, although I doubt you'll understand any of it.
G P me
@Edr Your having demonstrated total inability to acknowledge something as basic as Therapeutic Psychology and its range of phenomena beyond projection, and something as rudimentary as Eco-biology, and demonstrated a total lack of research into spiritual and religious phenomena, your own projection in ad hom is hilarious. You´re going to have to start drooling and spitting to live up to your own "empty-headed fool" projections. Thinking your assumptions about the supernatural negate all the academic disciplines and reported experiences that you have ignored and judged because they´re in your math and physics texts is in fact "fantasy" and "nonexistent intuition" Like a strait jacket with that knucklehead of yours, Junior league?
@Edr Yeah, unlit bulb? Your social life outside a Sci-tech dorm and lab doesn´t exist. You have to write your lunatic paper on how ancient Greek and Roman Historical Sociology does not exist, much less the unfolding of Biological Evolution in Natural History, much less the role of Christian teachings like "Love thy neighbor as thyself" and "Not two masters God and mammon" in the History of Western Civ. And how´s your "robot" girlfriend and friends who don´t exist? Try programming your robot social life with their "non-existent human agency and free will" and the universal reference to God that resonates across cultures annd explains why Gandhi embraced Hinduism as he studied Western law, and had the courage to take on the S Africans and the B Empire in India. He didn´t carry around a slide rule, you dope. He engaged in the "synchronous processing" cultivated by meditative prayer. Again, Your social life outside a Sci-tech dorm and lab doesn´t exist.
Green Peacemst
@Edruezzi Listen, Do--y, I have been decent enough to help give you adequate research tools to expand your horizons, and you have crashed and burned. Two additional basic proofs are part of the Philosophy of Religion: religious experience and the Kalam Cosmological Argument of First/Uncaused Cause. I already mentioned Gandhi and how no slide rule gave him clarity, his relationship to God did. As it did others who you don´t know diddly about.
Green Peact
@Edruezzi I don´t need to read it, dia--rs, and I can already correct your mistake, because what you must be trying to refer to is "naturalistic epistemology," which is the MO of the standard academic disciplines, except that it has run into problems since at least DesCartes n the 1600s with the identification of the problems of mechanistic rationalism, like logical positivism, and now Scientism. I´ve already mentioned Therapeutic Psychology and Eco-Biology, in which scholars have relativized "naturalism" or even rejected it because of human and bio-centric agency and environmental sustainability epistemologies, for example. Gandhi´s experience involves the Sociology of Religion and Social Movements, no less, and diverse spiritual-religious epistemologies in the full range of the Social Sciences. Hey, who needs the real world when a guy like you can spend his life in math and physics lab texts?
@Green Peacemst deleted, life processes, including the mental or psychological or subjective experience of living things, are in principle reducible to chemical reactions, and via the quantum bond, chemical reactions are hence reducible to physics. Your gods are the products of chemical reactions and electrical signals in your head and have no existence outside those heads. Your colorful nonsense about bio-centric whatever is merely a way of dodging the searing emptiness of your "theory". Actually, you don't have a theory. You have moronic names you call me, and then you throw up a screen of big words that mean nothing in the context of the debate. The way to deal with those big words is to analyze thier meanings, and keep analyzing their meanings. You don't stop to do that. After your big words, dodges and screens you'll pivot to Jesus and how the universe is 6,000 years old, won't you?
Then there's always Mysterious Asia. If you can throw up a Mysterious Asian who did saintly things then you've won. Nonsense. Asians are also reducible to quantum bonds. NOTHING exists beyond that. Any alternative argument belongs to the early stirrings of superstition in the brain of Sahelanthropus, and most likely some monkey that preceeded him by 15 million years.
@Green Peacemst So you believe in the reality of the delusions in your head and you think you've got expanded horizons. You are a d--n f--l.
@Green Peacemst Read it. It says that science is the only epistemology and therefore that all other so-called "great questions" of epistemology are psychological and nothing more.
2 days ago
@Green Peacemst Id--t, invoking a weird, naked Asian who couldn't feed his people wins the debate, doesn't it?
Your head is empty. Say, how old is the solar system, and is the Earth flat?
Green Peacemst
@Edrzzi Let´s see. You started up this dialogue confusing basic terms like “spiritualism” with “spirituality” and só on, to your maniacal belief that nothing outside math and Physics textbooks is real, although incredibly, the basic fallacy haunts you, since you don´t talk like a math textbook. You say I use “big words,” meaning you have trouble understanding them, and think I´m “screening things” with them? You´re arrogant and presumptuous because you have been misled by Science´s sophistication and prominence in a highly problematic greedy and materialistic US society? That´s your embrace of Scientism ideology, there, kiddo. When I refer to epistemology, etc, you stick to your functional illiteracy and into projecting your accumulated anger, hatred, confusion, bigoted, lack of relevant scholarship making you illiterate as intense ad hom name-calling, and you try to blame me? There´s Anger Management and Sensitivity Training for that, all basic Therapeutic Psychology. Those are your issues that you are projecting, not anybody else´s. Except your parents´ and other influences that you conform to obediently. Uh, that confusion of yours includes your crude extremist reductionism, Junior league. A little reductionism can be useful in balanced scientific and other forms of Philosophy. Your kind of extremist version is excessive and denialistic. First of all, your basic science is at worst classical Newtonian “rocks, soup, and fire” and at best confused and childishly simplistic, since you mistake some partial simple technical perceptions that you want to interpret more broadly as “the absolute truth.” You, as some kind of overly specialized specialist don´t even know about what is the standard field of the Philosophy of Science, or even Theoretical Physics, more basically. Not quite clear about the meaning of Faraday´s discovery of electromagnetic fields since the early 1800s, and Young´s double-slit experimentl? Better read up on Field Theory, and then dip into Wave Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and its ins and outs to get a little less behind the times. Moreover, Science is not about fantasizing that you know everything, because its purposes are specifically defined as academic type disciplines, i.e. epistemological knowledge and phenomena domains have developed.
I don´t analyze the meaning of the “big words” I use, and I´m smokescreening? Kiddo, you throw accusations like a grade school junior leaguer blaming other kids for your peeing in your pants. I studied Bio Anthro and Liberal Arts at an impressive University, and recognized the importance of semantics as a Freshman years ago. I´m writing a book because nobody has quite gotten the semantics straight. You use a ruler to measure “love” and say, “See, love is 5 ft. 3 in because that´s math and physics and my mommy´s height” and “Epistemo-pharmacology”? “That´s a big word, wah, wah. You made me cry because nobody can take a selfie with God.”
And só you confuse my use of big words like Epistemology with Biblical literalism? Your psychological projection keeps snowballing. I also mentioned Therapeutic Psychology and Eco-Biology a few times already, but you can´t observe that through your psychologico-box. The Universe´s scientific age (13.8 bn years) has been accomplished by secularized Christian Western cultural individuals in academic community. And hypothetical causal inferences and deductions of red shifts mean there was a Big Bang from a singularity, meaning a chronologically time- and condition-dependent event occurred, apparently Something coming from Nothing (presumed Quantum vacuum in Physics). Since then, events have developed from initial low entropy to nucleosynthesis and inflation, transparency, “Dark Age,” and after some 400 mn years the first stars. Galaxy clusters, standard candles, and apparently Dark Energy expansion after 9 bn yrs, and the Earth 0.3 bn after that. At some point the start of chemical reactions already turns your reductionist extremism on its head, because chemistry alone signifies a level of phenomena that requires its own epistemological knowledge domain that is no longer called Physics. Earth´s primeval chemical soup was not reducible to Physics in its processes and effects, but behaved chemically. Water´s molecular properties can´t be predicted by computer simulation of its component elements, for example, by modern standards. That´s called “emergent properties.” See GH Lowe in 1875 and M Bedau in 1997.
And guess what? Chemistry leads to Biology leads to Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology step by step, and “reducibility” is limited, and stands in structured relation to emergent properties. Based on your limited understanding só far and careless reductionist extremism, you already owe me money and for your juvenile grade school delinquency. As for the “mysterious Asian” Gandhi that you dare not refer to by name in your continuing illiterate de facto superstition, you don´t comprehend, and in fact are in belligerent psychological denial of, the relevant Scientific, Social Scientific, and other forms of academic disciplines and Philosophy, empirical, epistemological, introspective, and otherwise, that correspond to Gandhi´s very practical and spiritually guided accomplishments, not to mention Buddhism´s spread in Asia and sustained prominence there, including with Shinto in Japan.
Gandhi is retrospectively reducible to “quantum bonds”? So is a Supernova and Earth´s primeval soup in balance, but then, if you are incapable of grasping the EMERGENT phenomena, you don´t know a Supernova from a quantum bond, Therapeutic Psychology from Historical Sociology, or your derriere from your elbow. As for Sahelanthropus and his ancestors, that is further reductionist extremist confusion and projection by a primate overly trained as a technician. Hominids began at least with Homo habilis, and fire and possibly ochre with Homo erectus by 200,000 BC. How easy it is to mix up scientific knowledge for scientific knowledge´s sake. Word to the wise. Dabble with some Greek mythology like Icarus, and then some Goethe´s Faust. The “NOTHING” you see is not an argument, scholarly or otherwise. It is your confusion, denial, and projection of your imbalanced education, functional illiteracy, and full-blown misguided Scientism ideology.
Green Peacemst
@Edruzzi I talk about academic disciplines and the larger world of phenomena, and experiential learning, Junior league lab rat. Your statements are denialistic in nature, along with other psychological complexes so basic that Freud started id´ing them. along with their functional illiteracy. The angry and hostile "damn fool" name-calling is your projection from your family of origin in all likelihood. In the cultures without Christian Philosophy that discovered scientific tidbits, they couldn´t do more than the tidbits. That´s about where you are. They died out, or have joined the UN Human Rights-based system, except the Muslims. Your choices are clear, kiddo.
Green Peacemst
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi OK, read the first few pgrphs at wiki. It´s Quine basically trying to take Scientific Empirical Epistemology and replace traditional epistemology, as someone like you doing reductionist extremism can´t resist. Hillary Putnam´s argument about the normative issue is good and fundamental. J Kim takes the critique further with the necessity of justification and reliability, without which Nat ep is mere description, not knowledge. "Naturalized epistemology" is already apparently unaware of its having already supplemented academic disciplines and their epistemologies, even as it itself is subordinated to the evolving paradigms as per Kuhn that reflect human psychosocial dynamics. "Quine´s Replacement naturalism has ebbed, and "cooperative naturalism" about scientific empiricism´s supplementary importance has persisted, reasonably enough. Stay with that, if you like, and know that Science is supplementary. Meanwhile, epistemology´s big frontiers include "emergent properties" and General Systems Theory. Those are two basic things you´ll have to grapple with, among the other issues I have been raising.
Green Peacemst
@Edrzzi Hey Do--y, "weird, naked Asian" is not only unscholarly language, but bigoted and illiterate. Gandhi´s accomplishments were made into an epic film by R Attenborough, but not a Disney Kung Fu cartoon for your level, sadly. As for the rest of your escapist ADD Scientism and illiterate stereotyping, see my earlier comment. In fact, since I dealt with this stuff already, including your projecting
your angry, confused categories out of your traumatic and deprived past
and functionally illiterate overly specialized education Learn the
meaning of "spirituality" and "cooperative naturalism," among others,
and maybe even some Thomas Berry for his efforts to incorporate
Cosmology and natural history as a cultural and religious historian.
@Green Peacemst Religion is empty of import on the physical world, so Berry and his drivel are irrelevant.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst The psychosocial is not magic. It is fully reducible to physics. Human beings are only a lot of atoms, AND NOTHING MORE.
@Green Peacemst I said weird Asian because you invoked the argument from authority by pulling out a sage from mysterious Asia. It doesn't matter. The supernatural is the product of electricity and synapses and migrating sugar molecules in the human brain, like any other brain processes.
@Green Peacemst Physics can completely explain the human obsession with the supernatural and nonexistent.
@Green Peacemst Can you read calculus? If you can't you'd better sh-t -p about field theory, because you don't know what you're talking about. You most likely can't factorize.
Keep spewing drivel you picked up from your PhD course on Google.
Green Peacemst
@Edruezzi Ah, in your lab rat insulated life circumstances and mental predicament, that´s what you would be expected to say. You are, however, not requesting asylum in atheist China, nor ex-atheist USSR able to articulate why you are dependent on a society where the leaders are tied overwhelmingly to to religion, a corrupted version or otherwise. Your untenable assertions are ideological and illiterate, not least of all with respect to cooperative naturalism. Congratulations and many thanks to my openness to learning, even in dialogue with you. I give thanks to God through Jesus and Buddha for that, Gandhi, and a lot more, in your face in this case.
@Green Peacemst In your openness to learning, did you manage to learn factorization and calculus, you mo--n?
@Green Peacemst So you have the guts to call someone else illiterate.
Green Peacemst
@Edruezi "The psychosocial is not magic...." This isn´t a University test where your failure to learn from my reference to emergence, the reductionist fallacy, cooperative naturalism results in your failing grade. However, your kind of ideology feeds your undiscerning, raging, and illiterate egotism in which you alienate yourself from such interdisciplinary issues as sustainability. Christian love has percolated enough integrity to give you Freedom of Expression and Religion, but it is the Christian FDR who founded the UN and the UN´s IPCC that organized scientists around Climate Change and the Ecosystem/Anthropocene studies, and the Christian Al Gore who has put in powerful and compelling documentaries. Hoka Hey! The Great Spirit be praised.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi You not only said that cr*p about Gandhi, but worse. A key response to you is that you are a maniacal US Westerner overfed on science and oblivious to the ideological greed driving US society´s devastating inequality, injustice, and unsustainability. Your reductionist extremism is ideologically illiterate and uncomprehending of the origins of your own hostile disrespect and mistaken stereotypes. Gandhi´s blood sugar and synapses prayed and meditated in his law-degree primate brain, drawing wisdom, insight, courage, and perspective in relation to a Transpersonal entity that made him Gandhiji the leader of India´s nonviolent independence movement and not Harry Daghlian the Physicist who accidentally irradiated himself with plutonium, Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber the Harvard math whiz, Bruce Ivins the anthrax killer, von Braun and Heisenberg who helped the Nazis, or even of the quirky giants like Einstein who was so overwhelmed at his wife´s fatal prognosis that he totally ignored her as a workaholic. . Yeah, kiddo. It took more than sugar and synapses to make FDR and Gandhi the theist heroes they were.
@Green Peacemst Still going at it? Just give it up, man. If you're so smart, you should know that it is practically impossible to change someone's mind over the internet. You can try and present a counter argument, but you're only going to prove me right lol
@Kind Citizent
2 days ago
@Green Peacemst So, you s---d fanatic, m---n, you're saying the universe is not indifferent. You're no different than Amazon monkey worshippers.
Green Peacemst
2 days ago
@Edruezzi You keep leaving out the real world that Interdisciplinary Epistemology doesn´t. The Historical Sociology of secularized Christian modern Universities, the Freedom of Religion, Eco-biology, etc. You keep trying, and just show that you are ideologically illiterate. Still unable to comprehend the meaning of "cooperative naturalism," not to mention reductionist extremist fallacy and the rest. You should look up Herman Daly the Ecological Economist and his mentor G Roegen to get yourself a little more grounded. Sugars are biochem, BTW, not Physics, or even chem.
Green Peacemst
2 days ago (edited)
@Edruezi Yeah, bro, the detailed advanced variable mix of operations stuff is for the techhies. My calculus days are in high school, but DesCartes´ historical role with analytical geometry is foundational for that adventure and is one of my great intellectual discoveries. I always get fresh on what I need for operationalizing configurations, relations (e.g. functions, derivations, integrations), transformations, structures, and dynamics. DesCartes´ vision and the spiritual lives of Newton and Leibniz is all harder for math geeks to get. So, eat your heart out number cruncher, and suck on your factorizing thumb. I went for the concepts and empiricism of Bio Anthro, which is the core of what a clear empirical thinker needs. It´s clear that you choke when you leave your equations, as you are totally stymied by "big words" and the many conceptual semantics I have rubbed in your ideologically illiterate face in FDR and Gandhi´s honor for God through Jesus and Buddha. You should also check out Eliot Chapple´s Bio Fndtns of Individuality for his social dynamic calculation type work. His wave mechanical vocab is inspiring, but I just need his earlier behaviorist-level work. His wave stuff might help your "factorizing-impulse" condition.
2 days ago
@Green Peacemst Your first two notably incoherent sentences say enough. You're mathematically illiterate and so you should shut the f--k up about field theory.
2 days ago
@Green Peacemst You clearly have never had an organic chemistry course of any kind.
2 days ago
@Green Peacemst You flunked high school, didn't you?
1 day ago
Green Peacemst lol. You're clearly naive. You're uncomfortable with not knowing so you try to imply your knowledge and beliefs onto everyone. You're part of the problem and i hope you realize that.
1 day ago
@MachuManOfLegends You mask your raving ignorance and scientific and mathematical illteracy by dropping names and using the names of intellectual fields whose definition you do not understand.
So how did you master field theory using only high school mathematics?
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@MachuManOfLegends Hey, an empty ad hom is excellent projection of your issues. So, you think what you don´t know means nobody else does. Since a lot has been said, first thing is that you are undisciplined in something as basic as using key terms. I´ve raised the issue of Epistemology, for one. Secondly,the term you seem to want is "impose", not "imply," and anyone else´s unwillingness or inability to demonstrate basic competence in scholarly communication is their functional illiteracy. Arrogance combined with imprecision also is ideological. Besides your psychological projection issues, you are your own mess and "problem.'" Try looking up "Epistemology," little flying monkey, and "impose." That would help a constructive soul, so not much hope for you I gather,God knows in Jesus and Buddha´s name.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezi No kiddo. Quite the opposite. But your functional and ideological iliteracy and Scientism clearly make it difficult for you to orient yourself when your bubble keeps getting popped. And again!
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi Hey Dop-y, I told you I left that kid stuff for the lab technicians and bean counters like yourself, because it i virtually worthless in dealing with the real world of mentally and spiritually ill ideologues like yourself. The relevant issue here for the adults that you are desperate to digress from is that Physics itself is more complex than you admit or understand in relation to Philosophy, Epistemology, and more that you have failed to grasp. And that means grasp verbally. Your projection of your name-calling is more of your family dysfunction that you try to bury in your ideological clinging and denial. You want to lose yourself in Field Theory math like a baby with dirty diapers calling for mommy. You like squirming? Do you have a girlfriend?
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst Meanwhile you still can't factorize. A freshman introductory algebra textbook might as well be a book of Runic hexes to a mathematical illiterate like you.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruzzi Well, Junior league, t´s not really "guts," because I know what´s relevant and where, in relation to myself and others. You have Scientism extremist delusions. Math is a kind of technical Philosophy. If you walked into UCLA´s Psychosomatic Center and tried to start convincing the scholar scientists there how the equations of Field Theory negate materialistic perceptions, I could very well help you through your confusion by matching math operations to empirical cases and dynamics. However, you are a schmuck and have made this your diversionary grandstand tactic to push your fantasy that math is superior. It is a form of Philosophy, Junior league, no matter how much you buy into society´s own Steve Jobs-ian technophile delusions of grandeur.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst You're so proud because you can use the word epistemology in a sentence. Well, epistemologically you're where a Neanderthal 80,000 years ago or a Sahelanthropus having orgasms 6000000 years ago was. You only spell better.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst When you understand the bean counting then you can critique it. Since it's mist likely that you will NEVER be able to comprehend a single line of calculus you'd better shut up. Note what I said: a line of calculus.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi Nah. I actually recall what derivative factorizing is. But, that won´t help a psychologically desperate slug like you to be relevant in raising the question, "How does GP´s point that materialistic science actually has more complex phenomena alone like EM Fields that you can´t reason about, much less acknowledge epistemological limits and other domains. You´re so desperate you´re fantasizing unsound insults around your nagging inferiority complex. My family of origin dad was a well-rounded atheist, A good question for you to think about is who closed your mind.
1 day ago (edited)
@Green Peacemst What type of mathematics is "derivative factorizing". You're the kind of m---n who became unable to understand math class after eighth grade.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst Look, il----te. Mathematics is the ideal discipline where you automatically expose your ignorance when you start tossing complicated words around.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi Nah, kiddo. I didn´t say I don´t understand it. Your psychological self-neglect make you sloppy and careless, and as extreme in your personal attack delusions as usual, and as you are careless and ignorant about epistemological knowledge domain and phenomena limits. I your mania, I am your math-science lab rat asylum doctor. The issue here is your simplistic materialistic statement in the physical sciences, actually carelessly mixing them up. I pointed out that EM Fields are non-classical phenomena in the first place, and more. The point is that you are unwilling and unable to appropriately acknowledge the place of Science and its limits in relation to other epistemologies. Any line of calculus you care to caress and display has to be explained adequately and verbally, little diaper baby. A skilled automechanic might have your same kind of illiteracy problems, but the greasemonkey´s tools are tangible and the intellectual effort less unbalanced. That´s how that all works, Spongebob.
But, having clarified your psychological issues and the actual context, the role of language is inseparable from the math for its philosophical relevance. Here´s something on tensor calculus by S-S Chem, that they had to do to reconcile Classical and Quantum dynamics..." "In mathematics you have a function, you write down the function, you calculate, or you add, or you multiply, or you can differentiate. You have something very concrete. In geometry the geometric situation is described by numbers, but you can change your numbers arbitrarily. So to handle this, you need the Ricci calculus." The excellent explanation indicates for starters that tensor notation syntax takes a variable object and labels it with upper and lower indexes. Vector decomposition begins to be described as follows: Tensors notation allows a vector ( V → {{V}}}) to be decomposed into an Einstein summation representing the inner dot product of a basis vector ( Z → i {\displaystyle {\vec {Z}}_{i}} {\displaystyle {\vec {Z}}_{i}} or Z → i {\displaystyle {\vec {Z}}^{i}} {\{\vec {Z}}^{i}}) dotted with a component vector( V i { V_{i}} V_{i} or v i {\displaystyle v^{i}} v^{i}).
Z → = V i Z → i = V i Z → i {\ {Z}}=V^{i}{\vec {Z}}_{i}=V_{i}{\vec {Z}}^{i}} {\displaystyle {\vec {Z}}=V^{i}{\vec {Z}}_{i}=V_{i}{\vec {Z}}^{i}}
Yeah, the notation doesn´t transfer well.
Now, that´s all well and good. And yet, that´s all technical info, and explores and helps reflect on tensor calculus applications. I don´t need to learn, because I work at a level like UN and Al Gore. To understand the importance of FDR´s theist Christianity in founding the UN that founded UNEP and the IPCC, and Al Gore´s public presentation of Climate Change operates in the areas addressed by Sociology and other related epistemological knowledge domains and their phenomena. So, your confusion and hostility as a technician is still an issue.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst What you've proven is that you know cut and paste. It doesn't mean anything. You still haven't answered the simple question: what is differentiation factorization. You are being held up by seventh-grade mathematics.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst Just forget tensor calculus. Even Einstein had to sweat to understand it. You can cut and paste it but you will NEVER understand it.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst Why do you say electromagnetic fields are non-classical? Hint: it has to do with the Clyde-Hopf hysteresis of differential equations.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst Since you're good at tensors, of what degree of a tensor is a matrix, and why is matrix multiplication not fully symmetrical?
A f--l like you will need five years of intense study to even understand the questions and the trap embedded in them.
Come on, moron. Show us why you and Jesus, who can defy hydrodynamic laws to walk on water because of his Daddy, are smarter than the bean counters.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst I didn't say you don't understand "differentiation factorization". I asked you what type of mathematics it is.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst I stand by what I wrote earlier. A FRESHMAN INTRODUCTORY algebra textbook might as well be a book of Runic curses to you. It makes no difference from the perspective of your scientific illiteracy and your mathematically challenged epistemology. You'd understand neither of them.
1 day ago
@Green Peacemst You couldn't FINISH the first paragraph of ANY chapter of a standard freshman calculus textbook. I said finish. You will never understand differentiation or integration or the Wronskian.
Mind you, calculus is a very small and elementary subdivision of the mathematical field called analysis, an area of the intellect effectively closed to your small, workingclass brain.
Leaving aside mathematics, you could NEVER finish the introductory paragraph of ANY chapter of a freshman physics textbook. You are a fool using cut and paste on disjointed sections of mathematical literature you cannot and will NEVER understand.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi I´ve already exposed how you are overly specialized and toxically undereducated in the subordinate place of math and science in the real world of human interaction and epistemological philosophy which made math and science academic communities possible in the first place. That real world includes especially the spiritual which has been sustained by the religious, and interactively led disciplined religious people to found those modern academic communities. Your math supremacism is psychological compensation no less because you are a "dependent variable," and fight that in your ideological illiteracy. Moreover, even within math and science epistemologies, it is empirical philosophy that emphasizes the real world. Math supplements that empiricism. Without empirical investigation and reflection, math is relegated to mere symbolic indulgence. That´s what currently characterizes much of your bad attitude.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi Now your unwillingness and inability to reason philosophically about relevant issues is so unhinged that you have been reduced to your inverted projections of your neglected and abused psyche and unmitigated identification with math and science. Truly toxic Scientism.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi My cut and paste, done without furtive pretense no less, demonstrates my discernment, since this discussion is about spirituality and religious phenomena and their relation to math and science, all of which involves epistemological philosophy and General systems Theory. Your question is a non-sequitor, and about your own sense of inferiority and self-neglect. Tensor calculus is about Field Theory, which the specialists approach with such concepts as arbitrary vectors and basis vectors. All that requires a large amount of contextualization, because the only direct relevance is that electricity is not a mere stream of electrons, but creates an EM Field. You, however, want me, a veritable neuropsychiatric brain surgeon performing surgery on the patient that is you, to talk about your specialty as if this were nothing but a math class. Here. While differentiation factorization is your juvenile therapeutic security blanket, your obnoxious and toxic megalomania give me another idea. I don´t keep up with comparative evolutionary neurology, either, shnookums, but I immediately found a linked article that is by a former grad student when I was just an undergrad. He points out that the chimpanzee can´t produce "quantal" sounds with its supralaryngeal vocal tract, and its brain can only produce fixed vocalizations without reiterative phonetic contrasts. What is the significance of this, then, in relation to his stating that Broca-Wernicke brain-language theory is wrong, along with the fossil record spectrum pivoting around the Upper Paleolithic? The relevance of this for spirituality, religion, and epistemology is perhaps more direct.
Green Peacemst
1 day ago
@Edruezzi Your rant is a demonstration of your confusion channelled as rage and hostility based on your overidentification with math and science, and thinking that your obsession gives you total power over people and society, at least. You must be a very lonely and hurting guy deep down, and no girlfriend or friends to speak of. And you used the term "workingclass" pejoratively. Well, that´s more of your projection of your psychological trauma. And still, you are just a math and science thug and megalomaniac small fish in some lab rat pond. God knows you need psychotherapeutic help because your blindness is common enough that the Socio-eco-biological world that keeps you alive in your lab rat existence, miserable or manic-depressive, is being treated unsustainably. You should visit Germany and meet some math and physics geeks there so at least they can orient you sustainably.
Green Peacemst
22 hours ago
@MachuManOfLegends Ah, and I´ll add a task option I see for you. As junior leaguers go, you are clearly barbaric in your way than some, I´ll emphasize the benefits of trying to understand Thomas Kuhn and his insights into "paradigms and their shifts." You might benefit by seeing how your Scientism-based projection psych defense of naivete and and evaluation of psychosocial and spiritual problems works in the end. You´ll be able to stop being a conformist flying monkey one day, Screech!
Green Peacemst
20 hours ago
@Edruezzi Hey, now, this angle verges on exceptionally tangential and relevant to the topic at hand, and gives a glimpse of your better side. Still, the superordinate topic here is spirituality and science´s limitations. That scientific paradigms are philosophically constructed according to social, temporal-historical, and other Social Scientific and Humanities conditions in secularized Christian Western and world, as Kuhn began to point out. Just as important is the larger issues that each scientific and other kind of epistemological discipline is as much as directed to restricted knowledge domains and phenomena. As for the recognition of non-classical EM fields, C-H hysteresis turns up hysteresis on a range from Preisach- to Krasnoselskii- type models. The author notes that it is also a multi-disciplinary phenomena. The discussion demonstrates differentiation in the case of rate-dependence. Recalling that basic differentiation shows the area under the graphed defined curve segment, I can begin to imagine that correspondence. Meanwhile, it leads me to recall neurologist K Pribram´s work on non-localized memory in the brain. Good call, for a hostile Scientism ideologue.
20 hours ago
@Green Peacemst You on the other hand are not unwilling to break away from your profound mathematical and scientific illiteracy. You have no idea how to.
So your opinions are irrelevant.
20 hours ago (edited)
@Green Peacemst Neanderthal f--l. That section on hysterisis leaves out matrix frame shifts, a vital component of the Xi-Hoffman singularity.
Have any idea what that is?
20 hours ago
@Green Peacemst You still can't finish the first paragraph, or even first sentence, of any FRESHMAN mathematics, physics or biology textbook, so shut the F up, id--t.
Green Peacemst
Green Peacemst
19 hours ago (edited)
@EpicSymphony Yeah, actually I´m so smart that I´m not here change the minds of you subservient ideologues. I´m building the larger argument for non-extremists. You pipsqueaks are guinea pigs. As such, your lack of insight is all of your own business. You found me still hacking and slashing with someone with a little more fortitude than you. As for what is right, without recalling any distinctions between you and edr , you don´t seem to get that modern science is not anything but a form of secularized Christian Western Philosophy. Not only is Scientism wrong, but subservient to its own stereotypes that confuse its ideologues about basic issues in psychology and economics, not to mention the details of mental health, emotional self- and other awareness and social intelligence, and social and ecological economics. Jim Hansen ex of NASA isn´t taking more classes in Science. He´s writing books called Storms of My Grandchildren, criticizing the Keystone Pipeline, and getting arrested with protestors. Being "right" isn´t what´s happening for you if you can´t even understand the arguments, much less make an effort to understand them. Your kind of mute resignation and clutching your uncomprehending and simplistic stereotypes demonstrates psychological denialism and clinging to some ideological social belief that isn´t science, but extremist Scientism. You are trapped like a piece of gum on a schoolbus that Spiderman´s trying to save. I´m like Spiderman. Hugs from Freud.
Green Peacemst
17 hours ago
@Edruezzi Ah, Junior league. You just keep pulling out the IV in the operating room, you squirt. You´re a specialist in your field of choice, mush for brains. You don´t ask the neuropsychiatric epistemological surgeon consulting with Al Gore, the UN agencies UNEP and IPCC, Yale U Eco-Religion program, the World Council of Churches, and Religions for Peace, if he can do your job. You keep studying how engines work and cleaning the greae from your nose hairs to reduce your chances for cancer, get some Anger Management training to avoid Heart disease, and go on a Sierra Club hike, ya heard. But I had my assistant call my people at the Union of Concerned Scientists, and they explained that in higher math jargon, a singularity is that non-sensical point in math like 1/x for x=0, so that there is no differentiability or analyticity. I told him I had never heard that term for "analyzable," and he told me that he had never heard of Xi-Hoffman himself. Vladimir Hoffman heard I had a question and said that singularity theory describes how objects depend on parameters, but I had to get back to surgery. So, now take your meds, or learn to behave like a Cro-Magnon.
17 hours ago
@Green Peacemst That question about hysteresis was some made up nonsense I wrote as a trap for you. You then went on a rant consisting of utter nonsense.
You're a fool. You're also poorly educated.
Green Peacemst
13 hours ago
@Edruezzi "So, as a Scientism ideologue projecting my traumatized self-judgments that I have felt stupid, fanatical, and moronic on others, you said, "the universe is not indifferent?! ...Amazon monkey worshipers" As an ideological illiterate, you carelessly make a barbaric stereotyped fantasy comment about tribal religion that has been studied by anthropologists, not to mention Comparative Religion scholars, correlated with Civil Society efforts like the not-for-profit Cultural Survival, the 1978 American Indian RF Act, the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize to R Menchu of Guatemala, and the 2002 establishment of the UN Permanent Forum For Indigenous People based on the 1948 UN Universal Dec of Human Rights,the 2007 UN Dec of the Rights of Indig People and the US Bill of Rights, specifically including T Jefferson´s Freedom of Religion. The barbarism extends to the sustainability issues associated with such belligerent and dismissive attitudes. In Physics itself, I repeat for your distorted and social learning challenged block of a head, issues like wave-particle duality, the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, de Broglie matter waves, as basic a thing as Einstein´s mass-energy equivalence, and Goedel´s Incompleteness Theorem (applied from math). That is further clarified by Kuhn´s philosophical work on paradigms, fallacies like naturalized epistemology, and the numerous Scientism fallacies like the alternate epistemology negation fallacy.
Having thus addressed your ideologically manifested psychological issues and logical problems, the realm of Evolutionary and Eco- Biology already demonstrates the development of pre-human parental care, with famous examples like Bio-ethologist Konrad Lorenz and primatologist Frans de Waal (author of Your Inner Ape). As for indigenous religions, Wakan Tanka may be the Great Spirit, the Great Sacredness, or the Great Mystery. Thus, Cherokee-descended Lewis Mehl-Medrona MD, PhD has written about psychosomatic and spiritual healing in native, Christian, and Jewish and Clint Rogers PhD documenting Hindu Vedic doctor Pankaj Naram´s healings of Clinton´s own "incurable" father and thousands of other cases. Then there is Psychosomatic Medicine and the status of Transpersonal Psychology including a Higher Power concept in at Harvard´s H Benson MD´s Clinic. It is thus that your preconceived notions and antagonistic attitudes betray you and your mush for brains. Despite your deference for tensor calculus, hysteresis, and singularities in math, you have been fantasizing with a Scientism-based Monopolized Truth fallacy. Yeah, enjoy your secularized Christian Freedom of religious Scientism. The whole Historical Sociology of Comparative Religion escapes you.
Green Peacemst
12 hours ago
@Edruezzi "You´re so proud because you can use the word epistemology (sic) in a sentence" Junior league math junkie, Yeah, I remember Jesus from the whipping I have given you, praise God, because I took all my high school subjects seriously, went to one of "the best" Universities in the world and got my degree in interdisciplinary Bio Anthro and Lib Arts, and so on in the real world while seeing that many key people have taken to being toxic, paralyzed, and egocentric, ignoring basic problems of exploitation and other abuse of power as revealed by Michael Moore in his brilliant films like Capitalism: A Love Story, S Soderbergh´s Erin Brockavich, and S. Townsend´s Battle For Seattle. Noam Chomsky and Ralph Nader also get some respect. Thus, I know very well why you are a pathetic angry lab rat and math junkie. As for the Human Evolution, you better learn the meaning of the Paleolithic in human parallel and synchronous processing as discussed in Newberg Principles of Neurotheology and more.
11 hours ago
@Green Peacemst You can spell Noam Chomsky. You still can't factorize and you're still dodging the question of what the hell differentiation factorization means, you science illiterate.
11 hours ago
@Green Peacemst Okay, let's test if you really did study biological anthropology. Where was Sahelanthropus found, and in what year and what makes the find so important?
@Edruezzi Junior league, you didn´t even try to reply to my question about the chimp supralaryngeal tract and Broca-Wernicke brain-language theory. You are motivated by pure alienation. Sahelanthropus is fun for me to look up again for the details. A French find in Chad in 2001-2 at 7 mn years, it´s right about when the chimp-hominid lines separated. It´s an unusual location, yet an australopithecus sp was found there by the same Frenchmen previously. There is no apparent justification for bipedalism, by tooth wear patterns, and the French team has been accused of obscuring a femur that also fails to justify the bipedal trait. Another potential example of the consequences of secularization and ethical lapses, with Piltdown Man the classic. Spiritual modernization can lead to an ethical and moral value foundation that restores such an orientation now in. full-blown epistemological terms. .The similarities with the 2 Ethiopian Ardipithecus from 5.6 mn and 4.4 mn leave even the species distinctions unclear. You have made pejorative references even to your fave species Sahel. I was already studying the meaning of shamanism under Irv DeVore, T Deacon, and EO Wilson at Harvard. That´s an other angle on how many obstacles you face with your self-inflicted ideological illiteracy.
Hey Junior league prisoner in a lab rat cage, my consultants inform me that the tensor-matrix degree relation depends on the transformational rule applied. As for multiplying matrices, my general, educationally, and spiritually well-grounded clarity of thought allows me to generalize reason that any lack of symmetry means a directional dependence in a given procedure. The Union of Concerned Scientists and John Lennox of Oxford gladly inform that matrix operations like you described often involve column-row differences, but even when they are the same, the operation is non-commutative. Now, since you mistake scientific paradigms for the iron bars of your ideological prison, lights out in your prison.
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