I wanted to find a historical article on Germany's situation, and found an article in a UK journal article apparently from 1998 which claimed to have found scant details. Then I turned up an article coming from Germany with some important specifics. Hmm, US dog-eat-employees "free markets," or real social democracy and labor human rights. Let me think a minute. Well, yeah, that sounds about right.
Finally, I found two EU sites, one about worker participation and the other about labor news.
Co-determination: the secret history of workers'
Christopher Winch
One key aspect in
Germany’s economic success is Mitbestimmung, or ‘co-determination’.
This is a system of corporate governance and labour relations very
similar to the one that the Bullock Report recommended, although
without any explicit reference to Germany. At the time, the Bevin
Society argued that the Bullock recommendations of one-third
employer, one third employee and one third from nominees determined
by the first two groups (the 2x + y’ formula), would lead to higher
productivity and greater competitiveness and that this would result
from the greater orientation towards production of a workforce
holding a real stake in the company. ....
Rebecca Page
Co-determination in Germany –
The word “co-determination”, or “Mitbestimmung” in German, is commonly heard outside of Germany but
it’s actual meaning is often unclear. What it actually refers to, is a concept for employee consultation and
participation (in certain cases) in company decisions at both establishment and company/group level within
private sector companies in Germany. This co-determination concept has a long history – dating back
Thanks to the Boeckler Foundation, I found this EU site- http://www.worker-participation.eu/
More than 1,000 active EWCs and counting – News from the EWC Database
The ETUI’s database of EWCs currently records 1,039 active EWCs in 962 multinational companies. The highest number of EWCs has been established based on the German (351), French (260), British (186) and Belgian (179) law. Since the entry into force of the recast EWC Directive 2009/38/EC, the pace of establishment of new EWCs seems to be increasing steadily: at least 58 negotiations are known to be currently underway, and the sectoral European trade union federations report that more initiatives to open negotiations are in the pipeline.
Interim report on 2013 bargaining round
The Institute of Economic and Social Research has published an interim report on Germany’s 2013 round of collective bargaining. The study evaluates collective agreements concluded in the first half of 2013, affecting about 45% of all workers covered by such agreements – around 8.7 million employees, 1.2 million of them in eastern Germany. The average annual increase in collectively agreed wages and salaries will be 2.8% in 2013, slightly above the average of 2.7% in 2012.
Thank you, SEO M, glad you can appreciate the cage-rattling we do here, based on a few progressive realities that could help people change the world. I'll check out your link.....