The December Cancun Kyoto summit on climate change came and went. Here is an article I found recently at the alternative media site Brasil De Fato with some reporting on civil society activity there. My translation will follow in steps.
Thousands in Cancun
Social movements act with the schedule of the conference negotiations to engage in a massive mobilization this Tuesday.
This was the second march organized by the Via Campesina during COP 16 to pressure the UN to take more effective measures in the fight against global warming.
The social organizations already are referring to "Cancun-hagen," communicating their message that the failure at Copenhagen would be repeated in Mexico.
Besides the large police presence, the march of almost 10 thousand people occurred without any conflicts. Besides social movements and activists from all around the world, the event included the presence of the Bolivian Ambassador to the U.N., Pablo Solon, and with the representatvie from Paraguay´s government, Miguel Lovero.
Thousands in Cancun
Social movements act with the schedule of the conference negotiations to engage in a massive mobilization this Tuesday.
This was the second march organized by the Via Campesina during COP 16 to pressure the UN to take more effective measures in the fight against global warming.
The social organizations already are referring to "Cancun-hagen," communicating their message that the failure at Copenhagen would be repeated in Mexico.
Besides the large police presence, the march of almost 10 thousand people occurred without any conflicts. Besides social movements and activists from all around the world, the event included the presence of the Bolivian Ambassador to the U.N., Pablo Solon, and with the representatvie from Paraguay´s government, Miguel Lovero.
The Via Campesina also has initiated in parallel with COP 16 a series of protest events called "Thousands in Cancun." According to the organization, more than 200 actions in 37 countries have been conducted to protest the nations which refuse to assume commitments towards the reduction of pollutants, while on the other hand, incentivizing agreements which increase still more the market commodification of nature.
Milhares por Cancún
Os movimentos sociais marcaram a agenda das negociações da conferência ao realizar uma mobilização massiva nesta terça-feira (7)
Vinicius Mansur
De Cancún (México)
Texto e fotos
Os movimentos sociais marcaram a agenda das negociações da COP 16 – conferência da ONU sobre mudanças climáticas – ao realizar uma mobilização massiva nas ruas de Cancún, México, nesta terça-feira (7).
Esta foi a segunda marcha organizada pela Via Campesina durante a COP 16 para pressionar a ONU a tomar medidas mais efetivas no combate ao aquecimento global.
As organizações sociais já falam em um “Cancún-hagen”, indicando que o fracasso de Copenhagen irá se repetir no México.
Apesar do alto contingente policial, a marcha de quase 10 mil pessoas transcorreu sem enfrentamentos. Além de movimentos sociais e ativistas de todo o mundo, o ato contou com a presença do embaixador da Bolívia na ONU, Pablo Solón, e com o representante do governo do Paraguai, Miguel Lovero.
A Via Campesina também impulsiona em paralelo à COP 16 uma jornada de lutas chamada de ”Milhares por Cancún”. De acordo com a organização, já foram realizadas mais de 200 ações em 37 países em protesto às nações que se negam a assumir compromissos para redução de poluentes e, por outro lado, incentivam acordos que aumentam ainda mais a mercantilização da natureza.
read the original text here:
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