A Spiritual Life, the Co-operative Business Model, Green Business, NGOs, the World Social Forum, Solidarity Economics, and Scandanavian pro-Labor Social Democracy are among existing practices which offer an alternative to the prevailing destructive corporate and campaign finance models. Here, I invite people to explore Grassroots Sustainability and Social Responsibility through Social and Ecological Political Economics. The spiritual basis of this discussion is essential.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Carl Sagan´s Materialism, Backhanded or Otherwise
Here´s some fun dialoguing I had around this meme with Carl Sagan:
Ma You
Well, we do know a great deal more about the universe than when Sagan was alive and we still don't see a god.
Ez Ro
@Ma Yo
Where did you look?
You won't be given a pass on collective ignorance
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ez Ro Clarity counts. If MY can´t see it, it´s because he can´t see it with the JWS telescope that is astronomy. That´s a powerful point right there, since within scientific natural physical phenomena there are distinctions. And actually, biology is the result of cosmology and the passage of time, resulting in phenomena that aren´t just "physical", but a new category, "life."
Microscopes aren´t the only tool in studying "life," moreover, just like even the conduct necessary for astronomy isn´t just a "telescope." The historical sociology of science, as advanced significantly by Thomas Kuhn, but for scientists in particular. G. Vico already made an important distinction back in the 1700s in response to some people trying to apply Cartesian geometric techniques to people. What we know as "emergent properties" like biology and the mind behind psychology etc, causes epistemological distinctions. That means in how the phenomena is recognized with conceptual names and their processes for knowledge systems.
All that fancy clarity comes thanks to the historical sociological contemplative method with empiricism, that underlies "science" itself, and centers back on the origins of "science" in the University-based community with multiple disciplines, called the "liberal arts and sciences," that use empiricism. Newton didn´t just call the Royal Society, because scientists were self-sustaining. He read up works from the combined networks centered on University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism and the mathematical and natural philosophers like Descartes.
Who go back to the pivotal monk Thomas Aquinas at the U of Paris who took Aristotle´s esoteric First Cause, made a powerful argument indicating the incoherence of empirical infinity in the real world beyond abstraction (or Divine transcendence), along with his deductive reasoning axioms for God like the one from motion.
Ez Ro
@ Mark Rego Monteiro
If you put as much time and thought into study as you do deflection, you would be enlightened and enlightening.
Ez Ro
@Mark Young
And all organization is indicative of INTELLIGENCE
Mark Rego Monteiro
@Ez Ro Yeah, too bad attitude doesn´t give you ground to stand on, as you respond to me and my presentation. That´s the substance here that you try to slip in your pocket. When a holy man meets a pickpocket, the pickpocket picks his own pocket, no matter where his hand started. And gets the chance to appreciate value in more than coins. God is real, God´s love through Jesus is real. Jesus´ legacy in interfaith society is real. And when a seeker becomes a holy man and deals with the unscrupulous, here´s how that goes:
Frankly, your expressing yourself using the words "deflection" and "enlightened" get evaluated by the old goodies of philosophical truth that makes Christianity capable of honoring Jesus as Savior in structured pluralism with interfaith master collaboration with the likes of the Buddha.
When you say, "deflection," you mean, "I don´t really get it, and it sounds hard to understand." When you say "enlightened", you mean "I think I get it, so I´m going to do some ad hom like I do."
As for your comment on "organization," physical reality that science does study legitimately, does actually raise the real question that confuses and deludes them, and others in all kinds of related ways, including yourself in an opposite extreme.
And I went over this with you previously, without your actually getting it, clearly. You just leaped to your enjoyment of joining a meme´s ridiculing "randomness." That´s not how communicating about the truth works, with logical coherence and correspondence to reality, and grasping the importance of philosophy, not attitude alone. I have both, by the way.
The issue isn´t just organization, since scientists are coherent when they say, "It´s all just a multiverse." No God necessary. They get pretty far if they control the conversation. And your posture of "organization is INTELLIGENCE" is more a reflection of the profiteers funding literalists, but who are actually economic materialists putting everything into the commodified handbasket to Hell.
So, the fact that perceiving organization requires people with minds who can cooperate sufficiently to study the Universe didn´t just happen because of ancient Greek natural philosophers like Thales and Socrates´ legacy in Aristotle. Their culture was dying out with the pagan Romans. Their multiple accomplishments on paper required Jesus´ legacy with his 2 loving Commandments, teachings AND suffering to Resurrection and apostolic legacy to get to Thomas Aquinas to show how to Christianize ancient Greek philosophy to make empiricism and modern philosophy.
Ma Yo
Ez Ro
What has that got to do with the conversation
To Sit
Ma Yo
when did you see your mind ?
Ma Yo
To Sit
Do you mean brain?
Because the mind is a byproduct of the brain. 💁
Mark Rego Mon
Ma Yo You´re actually making TS´s point. You try to reduce the human mind to the brain, but can only do it in denial and by ignoring reality.
Freud didn´t make his landmark breakthrough´s in psychology because of a microscope. He was just a tecchie neuropathologist when he ran into patients reporting pain without organic wounds or disease. Freud went to Paris to study with Charcot et al and learn some relaxation and visualization techniques. Back in Vienna, he didn´t pull out the microscope, but a notepad as he sat, helped his human patients relax, and asked them to think about their pain and talk about it. That began to heal them. Freud studied his notes, not slide samples to develop his psychological concepts of "ego" and "id" (the "I" and "it"), along with the healing process of "abreaction (emotional reconnection)" and "catharsis" reflecting the trauma associated with emotional repression.
Human symbol using has tool-related and communication-related major areas of use, involving the reality of "Mind over Matter." Human individuals can understand themselves in ways that allow them to ignore and override their biological impulses. Pushing on to conduct an all-nighter is a modern context. Shamanic relating to transcendent reality that generated the Judeo-Christian supershamanic tradition, and Jesus´ legacy and its interfaith needs in structured pluralism are at least two other angles of what might be tentatively posited as human shamanic behavior. Or perhaps spiritual-religious is the more appropriate major category of human behavior, phenomena, and its knowledge factors.
It is those dynamics that reflect the empirical demonstrations of shamanic healing by the Great Spirit, as medically attested, medically impossible healing correlated with spiritual-religious testimony, as in L Mehl-Madrona MD´s books like Coyote Medicine, part of the new multi-cultural level in Jesus´ legacy that centers around the even more accessible healing through Christian spiritual practice, as in OC Simonton MD´s work and more. Human minds, exceeding their physical biological foundations and achieving energetic types of healing. Except that "energy" is itself physical, and isn´t a sufficient conceptual framework. Holographic technology gets a few steps closer in its informational paradigm, but is still material. Spiritual-religious healing testimony goes further in combining the human mental faculties of memory, psychosocial and transpersonal relationship, emotional awareness, ecological awareness, and in Christianity´s legacy for Jesus, the direct relationship over generations through Jesus the self-identifying and prophecied Son of God and Man teaching God the Creator´s parental love and accessibility to people who seek.
All of which goes beyond any one brain, and goes with in fact a whole lot of visible evidence that requires interpretation by minds. Then a person can catch up to the terms already translated in the Bible as "the mind of Christ," Bishop Berkeley´s "mind of God," and James Frederick Ferrier´s metaphysical analaogy argument for God based on the need for a Divine Mind in relation to the existence of the Universe itself.
Ma Yo
Mark Rego Monteiro
Guess what, we have advanced since Freud.
We have far more advanced ways of telling pathologies.
We have machines that can see the brains function and see where it's not going normally.
You speak from.over 150 years ago.
Keep up with the times and stop thinking that your the only one who has done research
Ma Yo
Mark Rego Monteiro
And FYI, you've said nothing about damage to the brain causing damage to the mind.
Just ramblings from authority....old authority
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma Yo Oh my. Yeah, the materialistic anachronistic fallacy assumes that the passage of time invalidates all things old. That´s a fallacy, and you got your timeframe wrong. Freud´s pioneering and key work was 1896, as far as that goes. And on you go, dropping balls as easy as it is to mix and match words unempirically. Indeed, "we" have advanced since Freud, yet you confuse the meaning of that very reality in your ideological filtering. Empirical reality isn´t your projection. Having machines that identify brain functions is a different phenomena and knowledge system, that exists still in the physical scientific area. It doesn´t invalidate the realm opened up by Freud not merely in therapeutic psychological study and approaches. You deviated into the physical, as usual in denial of and ignoring the relevant areas of Freud´s diverging proteges like Jung, Reich, Assagioli, and Rank and colleagues like Adler, who developed psychotherapeutic techniques elaborating on various aspects of Freud, with the Rank-Rogers-Rosenberg line especially clear about the psychosocial system of emotions, also recognized by Alice Miller and John Bradshaw in their various contexts. Even the DMS has advanced in ways that reflect the psychosocial qualities of mind, handled in terms of human communication and interaction, not brainscans or pharmacology. RD Laing can represent a movement developed to oppose reductionists in that field and the like who have tried to be as reductionist as you.
And your claim to having done "research" falls itself into a projection fallacy. If you want to claim to do research, you should actually check your details first of all. It is, however, not even just research. You just missed the ball on the subject of epistemics and epistemology, the areas of phenomena and knowledge. Brainscans don´t address the issues of the material contained in psychologists notepads that they have used to identify the psychological and emotional empirical factors: needs, operating beliefs, feelings, and so on.
Mark Rego Monteiro
Ma Yo "Damage to the brain and mind" is another category. That´s not in question, although it involves additional points. Your continuing reductionist ideologizing simply remains ignorant of things like the spiritual-religious phenomenon that made Mother Theresa a Catholic saint. A patient with brain tumors was healed in connection to an item recalling Theresa, resulting in a medically attested, medically impossible healing with spiritual-religious testimony. Standard medical records don´t note such accessory patient information, although there is a movement associated with the Medical Humanities to address such issues, and schools and Medical Centers like Harvard have instituted Spiritual and Religious components in their services. Social Workers, on the other hand, operate in terms of patients as people with their psychosocial experiences. Your ideology, based on one or more forms of ideological materialism, is simply insufficient to deal honestly with empirical reality.
That´s what a mind capable of grasping the full empirical scope of phenomena relevant to this very site needs to address without your kind of denialism and fallacies.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Does Accepting Jesus As Your Personal Savior Save You? Yeah? Who Told You That In The First Place?
Meme Post: Accepting Jesus as your personal savior doesn´t save you. Realizing you need to change by becoming self-aware and compassionate does.
Almost. See, yet this phrasing doesn´t quite make the necessary connection. Jesus does matter. I love the Buddha and Buddhism, after starting an interfaith path thanks to scholar Huston Smith´s description of the Chinese Tao and Unitarian Universalism´s validating respectful spiritual paths.
Yet, all of that became subject to my educational values, and their origin. Buddha teaches a "doctrine of the non-existence of self." Progressives of all kinds treat Jesus as subordinate to "the science" and let the fundamentalists scare them away from things like spiritual healing.
Jesus´ teaching to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and to "take the plank out of your own eye..." are powerful parts of the reasons why I could realize that the Buddha wasn´t "perfect" in his amazing enlightenment, and why my love of psychology and its discoveries as part of a well-rounded education all led me to appreciate activism against profiteering businesspeople´s creation everywhere of unsustainable lifestyles that violate human rights.
Psychosomatic medicine is part of the educational system, and validates not just "the science", but the importance of well-rounded education, and actually the full scope of liberal arts and sciences, that needs to be elevated to interrelate knowledge. Multidisciplinary Philosophy with empiricism is the thing that does that.
Jesus needs to be reclaimed from fundamentalists, who are actually funded by profiteering businesspeople in the first place. The way to reclaim Jesus fully is to recognize that things like the UN human rights and US Civil Rights are not just random developments by nice guys. FD Roosevelt was influenced by the Social Gospel of W Gladden et al, and Jefferson recognized Jesus as the "greatest moral teacher of all time." At least, in his Deist Christianity.
I gained important clarity working with Buddhism before engaging with Christianity in the modern context and in search of spiritual integrity. Reclaiming Jesus, and God through Jesus, and how that grounds modern structured UN human rights pluralism is not optional, because Jesus and all masters and all people are unique and not subject to mere equivalencies. There is a real problem of unsustainability and human rights violations, despite the UN´s being founded. And the source is in the very juggernaut that produced FDR. The US-led profiteering corporate businesspeople´s model has unleashed itself, and people need touches of clarity and courage to make the necessary shifts to sustainable and just lifestyles. Food co-op stores are one of my favorite simple examples, along with credit union local community co-op banks.
Our ultimate courage in resisting the impulses to buy the most advertised Big Biz brand for a local or Fair Trade type version is part of a spiritual process and practice that gets centered by Jesus, and restores us to the power of God. That´s how subtle things have gotten, and why "free will" is part of that subtle distinction. The profiteers are using their college educations in many cases, and that is what has been used to fabricate unsustainable ideologies.
Bringing God back from the symbolic and mythic into the reality of spiritual-religious practice, experience and phenomena like spiritual healing for progressives and sustainable justice activist lifestyles to avoid the origin of Social Europe´s leap to its advanced pro-eco-social market democracies. WW II, to be clear. Or, the equivalent of WW III being what we´re trying to avoid.
Friday, August 12, 2022
Are Eastern Religions Universal or just Academic? An Indian Guy´s Question
Rowdy-Rohan greenpeaceRdale1844coop • 16 hours ago
Do you see anything universal in Asian philsophies and faiths or is it simply academic. Can you apply satyagraha, nirvana, dharma to every day life of Americans or modern western history and how these aspects would have changed history?
have you read E Michael Jones books or heard his videos on the Holocaust and if you have what is your take on him
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greenpeaceRdale1844coop Rowdy-Rohan • 12 minutes ago
First of all, you use the terms "universal" and "academic" with certain associations, some limiting. For clarity´s sake, I am responding based on my recognition that the modern culture conceptual discussion is based on University-based
philosophical scholarship with empiricism. "Science", which is actually scientific natural philosophy, has become a highly visible and somewhat distorted subset of that. The US drew on diverse European resources to develop the atomic bombs in WWII, used them against Japan in the magnitude of the conflict, and established a primary example of how "science"-related technology can be said to have developed the world´s most destructive kind of weapon.
And it has spread. Throughout Asia, to speak geographically. Because of its power. But, underlying that is the University-based system of education, which is in fact philosophial scholarship with empiricism. Moreover, not only scientific natural philosophy is involved, but popular terms like "democracy" and "free markets" with their ideological misrepresentations and their empirical, philosophical realities.
University-based education with empiricism, however, underlies the truths of all of that. And its own normally disguised truth as having origins in Christian monastic spiritual practice, developed from ancient Greek philosophy as spiritual practice. It is illuminating, moreover, to be clear about the monk Thomas Aquinas´ role as identifying "infinity" as an abstraction and unempirical, and not of the real world. That, along with his philosophical formulation from motion of God as First Cause. In the context of Jesus´ role, teachings with spiritual practice, and his legacy.
That is the key knowledge-based framework that I was operating in back in high school when I read scholar Huston Smith´s World Religions book, and appreciated his description of the Chinese Tao at first. I also appreciated Unitarian Universalist interfaith´s support of spiritual paths.
Thus, your question relates to phenomena operating at multiple levels. First of all, whatever strengths Asian philosophies and spiritual-religious traditions have, it was European merchants, soldiers, and politicians using Christianity´s University-based fruits in Jesus´ legacy that colonized the world. And opened up Japan, that recognized the power of University-based education.
The timing and events around WWII are all important to grasping the different levels that are in operation across cultures in affecting people´s minds.
Like European colonialism reflected human bio-psycho-social tendencies, it has gone with ideological materialism that permit objectifying situations. FD Roosevelt´s Christian Social Gospel vision and legacy proposing the UN and human rights then established a highly moral secular materialist form of international quasi-governance, or at least, standards of conduct.
That supplements, and extends, the framework of University-based philosophical scholarship, as forms of communication and interaction. You say, "academic," in a way that subordinates University-based practices, as if it is less than real world effectiveness.
Thus, Buddhism has universal insights, but is centered around its own limiting factors. Buddhism certainly spread naturally in history, and has some important popularity in the West already. Yet, it is secularized Christian structures that form the mainline structures for knowledge development, communication, and interaction standards.
I find Buddhism essential to my orienting to spiritual practice with depth of integrity for personal growth as an interfaith Christian . The Four Noble Truths, for example, and the goal of nirvana. That gave me powerful insights as I researched Christian history itself, and learned about Christian monasticism and Anthony of the Desert´s own demonstration of what became called "divinization/theosis." Gandhi´s demonstration of satyagraha at least involved Gandhi´s applying the orientation of the likes of the dissident high integrity Christian Thoreau et al. Yet, Thoreau was somehow co-existing with the abolition anti-slavery movement and Quaker-Friend Christianity´s remarkable developments, led in being co-founded by George Fox in the 1600s.
Thus, in taking Gandhi´s interfaith Christian Hinduism and satyagraha, we can understand its relationship more or less directly with a full range of phenomena in Christian culture in the first place. The abolition anti-slavery movement initiated modern social movements and Civil Society, and that is what I have been mentioning to you represented by Right Livelihood Award winners of all kinds, including India´s Colin Goncalves, LAFTI, Swami Agnivesh, and the prominent Vandana Shiva. She may have won a RLA also. Ela Bhatt who founded SEWA also comes to mind.
So, yes, I do see the Asian philosophies as having universal qualities. However, it is Jesus´ legacy in University-based philosophical scholarship with empiricism and societal innovations that have established the standardizing frameworks that can operate non-violently. Gandhi´s example illuminates various qualities, including the relevance of spiritual practice hard to see in Western culture. The Quaker-Friends were involved in the founding of Greenpeace, and John Muir in founding the Sierra Club,, but secular materialism has significant influence in their image and conduct. I´ve found it necessary to define spiritual-religious phenomena, since materialistic tendencies have simply been trapped by compartmentalizing and reductionism. Defining Multidisciplinary Philosophy with empiricism, too.
Buddha and Gandhi both have served as important guides for me to consider in identifying those two key conceptual innovations that I ´ve had to make. They are related to some published insights, but are otherwise significant and unique. Pantanjali´s Yoga, Morihei Ueshiba´s aikido, too, have been helpful.
Lao Tzu and Taoism, also, in fact. Tai chi and qi gong as part of that. "Science" has identified brain wave and brainscan data to identify meditative and prayerful states, yet it is the Eastern / Asian traditions that provide powerful human systemic examples.
How they would have changed history? Study the history of comparative religious studies, and observe that a foundation has been established for what is in fact necessary for a saving history and the future. UN reports demonstrate a catastrophic combination of human rights abuses and unsustainable industrial socioeconomic process underway.
Asian practices and philosophies have powerful elements, but not an interactive framework. Secularized Christianity has provided the interactional framework, and needs infusions of the spiritual-religious insights of Asian/Eastern spiritual-religious practices and their insightful elements.
Thus, I have been learning about how Catholic missionaries studied things like Confucius, which was recognized by the atheist scholar Christian Wolff in the 1700s already in Germany. Great Britain´s Wm Jones established the Asia Society around 1790 as a major step in cultural studies. Franz Boff was an important early scholar, among others. Thoreau, in some relation to Emerson, was also studying Hinduism. Emerson developed the idea of Oversoul as an alternative idea about God.
I don´t know that I´ve heard of EM Jones. The Holocaust is part of Nazi Germany´s rise, at the same time as Japan´s imperial militarism and Stalinist Soviet Communism, along with US industrial corporate profiteering businesspeople which caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
So, I relate all this around University-based educational culture, ie philosophical scholarship with empiricism, and how Jesus´ legacy in spiritual practice and phenomena relates to the rise of modern social movements in the sequence of Luther´s inspiring the Reformation and George Fox´s leading the co-founding of the Quaker Friends in Great Britain. The American Revolution with Jefferson et al´s ending absolute monarchy with constitutional democracy and Civil Rights coincides with the rise of the modern abolition anti-slavery movement. The co-operative pro-social business movement, also, was founded by workingpeople in the UK in the 1840s. The efforts in comparative cultural and religious studies led to the 1893 Chicago World Parliament of Religions, organized by Bonney and Barrows. The US Social Gospel initiated as pro-labor by Washington Gladden in 1877 is also key there, creating a thread to FD Roosevelt. All of that is where Gandhi´s satyagraha ultimately fits in. "Dharma" represents the need for practice, and the cause-effect nature of moral law, and illuminates all manner of these events now interrelated through the study of human psychology, sociology, and international relations.
The Holocaust primarily involved the transition in Germany from monarchy to secular democracy, based around their intense secularized University enriched culture, with minimal international colonialism. Now, that phenomena "vented" sociohistorically, Greenpeace represents one Civil Society group that has been taken up intensively throughout Germany. Germans have some appreciation for Eastern religions, and so it is through that lens that further insights need to develop. Comparative Religious Studies is a multidisciplinary subject that allows for the comprehensive grasping of the issues involved. That is simply necessary in the face of ideological materialism´s three rather treacherous forms: scientific, secular, and economic.
If you are obsessing about the Holocaust, I can share that I certainly benefited in studying Hitler´s psychology and the anthropological meaning of the Nuremberg Rallies. That is no less related to Aztec human sacrifices and cannibalism. If European brutality intrigues you, the history of European wars, including Luther´s inspired Reformation, are full of bloodshed. The Battle of Lepanto in the 1570s was part of the chronology of Muslim-European Christian conflict, with the 1683 Siege of Vienna the last in Europe. WWI is also not to be neglected, as it resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
All that technical knowledge needs to satisfy a person´s capacity for military realism. It is at the same time, however, that psychological insight becomes necessary, along with that of social movements. Satyagraha, nirvana, and dharma are important correlates to psychology, anthropology, and sociology perhaps most of all, with political science and economics actually reflecting those primary subjects. Again, the Right Livelihood Award now serves an important role in identifying further key actors in social movements in the UN human rights world community that is in Jesus´, and then FD Roosevelt´s legacy negotiated with the world as it led to decolonization and reorientation to the potential of University-based society. I refer to spiritual modernization as the process needed in secularized Christianity, with Eastern and indigenous traditions offering powerful resources in the study of phenomena and developing knowledge about practices through experience.
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